Page 108 - K9 News - Issue 14 - December 2020
P. 108


           NEWFOUNDLANDS                                                by John Lloyd
           NEWFOUNDLANDS      by John Lloyd

           We first saw a Newfoundland in a garden on a        semi detached house on an estate with a small
           hillside above Caernarfon. We decided there         garden just wasn’t big enough. So we moved
           and then that when we had a dog that is what        to a derelict property and lived in a 36’ caravan
           we would have. Our first Newfoundland was           with three giant dogs and a ginger cat Vienna.
           given to us by Frank Cassidy of Little Creek        All three dogs were petrified of Vienna (with
           Kennels UK after a chance encounter when            good reason!) and it was winter.
           Frank came to buy some fencing from the
           company where I was working at the time. Little     Jumping on a few years to about 12 years ago
           Creek’s Ocean Spray – Spray for short. That         we are now members of Newfoundland Clubs,
           was about 38 years ago.  He was looking for         know all about health checks, have owned more
           a good home for this 5 year old girl after she      dogs and decided to embark on showing. Back
           retired from showing and so the journey began...    to knowing nothing! First ring craft class I wore
                                                               rigger boots on a sprung floor and stomped my
           We knew absolutely nothing about the breed,         way round much to everyone’s amusement.
           Frank told us she was house trained (eh no!)        However, within a short space of time I had
           but the old saying you can’t teach old dogs new     learnt a bit, so had my dogs and we were
           tricks wasn’t true. Sadly, a couple of years later   showing at Crufts. I have shown there every
           she collapsed on the beach, the vet told us she     year since.
           had an enlarged heart and a tumour on her
           lungs and she probably had a couple of months       On our journey in the breed we have gone from
           to live. We went back to Frank to tell him, he just   owning the one girl we had been given by Frank
           said he had another fourteen month old girl also    to at our height owning eight warned
           looking for a good home and she came home           they are addictive!! In all the years we have bred
           with us the same day. Our original girl lived for a   just four litters and only when we have wanted
           further two years! So... now we needed a bigger     to keep a puppy ourselves. Presently we own
           car and soon got used to having two dogs            three imported dogs and one home grown.
           however, when our original girl passed away         I am currently the Chairman of the Northern
           and as we had always wanted a puppy, back to        Newfoundland Club and I am also a breed
           Frank we went.                                      specialist judge.

           At this time we knew nothing of health checks,      Newfoundlands are not a breed for everyone
           bloat or anything else we just loved our dogs!      they are very high maintenance particularly the
           We were asked to take another girl whose family     grooming and definitely not for the house proud
           had split up and could no longer look after her.    due to the amount of fur, slobber and mud in the
           Now we were three...changed the car again           winter. They can be stubborn, clumsy but are
           this time for a small van. Over the years we        very loving. They are certainly the ‘Bentley’ of
           have gone from saloons, estates, small van,         dogs...big, powerful and expensive to run but we
           medium van and presently a HUGE van! We             can’t imagine life without at least one!
           also had to move house as three giant dogs in a

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