Page 104 - K9 News - Issue 14 - December 2020
P. 104

Events                                              have held successful Open Shows and Fun
                                                               weekends each year since and were delighted
           The SNC ran five very successful events in          that we were able to hold our first Championship
           2008, one being an introduction to Water            Show in 2016. Another event of which we are
           & Carting, the second being three levels of         particularly proud is the Newfoundland of the
           Water Tests, the third being a Draught Test, the    Year competition that we held, for the first time
           fourth a ‘Fun Day’ where we aimed to place          in the UK, in October 2019. Alas, all the events
           the emphasis on encouraging our younger             we had planned for 2020 had to be cancelled
           members (and with proceeds in aid of Southern       due to the current pandemic.
           Newfoundland Club Welfare) and the fifth a
           health seminar which was held in November           The Committee, Officers and volunteers of
           with guest speaker Dr. Sue Gregory BVETMED,         The Southern Newfoundland Club are totally
           Phd, DVR, DSAS (Soft Tissue), Fhea, MRCVS           committed to the success of the Club, and to
           who spoke on Gastric Torsion (aka Bloat). In our    ensure that work will continue with research into
           second and subsequent years the number, size        the health issues relating to the Newfoundland
           and variety of events we have organised has         breed. It is a priority of the Club to encourage
           grown and we have a large number of members         and enthuse our junior members and to work to
           to thank for their wonderful efforts and hard work   preserve the working instincts of our exceptional
           in putting together and running those events and    breed.
                                                               For more information on the Club
           At the end of April 2009, the club received         email Jeni Giambona
           the official confirmation from the Kennel Club
           of our registration and recognition as a UK
           Breed Club. This was a significant milestone in     or visit the club website
           the Club’s history and enabled us to hold our
           first Open Show on 19 December 2009. We

           The Welsh Newfoundland Activity Group

           In order to represent the working aspects           namely South Eastern Working Newfoundlands,
           of the Newfoundland dog – both swimming             Grangewaters Working Newfoundlands, Jersey
           and draught capabilities - The Southern             Big Dog Club and Welsh Newfoundland Activity
           Newfoundland Club have a specific Working           Group. This allows the events to be spread
           Section with a Committee solely dedicated to        across the country and attract a mixture of
           arranging working events through the year and       people who either want to travel or only attend
           liaising with the working committees of the two     more local events.
           other UK Newfoundland Breed Clubs.
                                                               The Welsh Newfoundland Activity Group
           The Working Committee is made up of the             (WNAG – pronounced OooNag ) was founded
           secretary and three specific working committee      in 1994, by some Newfoundland club members
           members with a further liaison role with the        living in Wales who decided it was time a
           main SNC Committee. Various swimming and            working group be set up for owners living in
           draught tests are organised throughout the          the area. The first and main priority was to
           year (weather and Covid permitting of course)       find somewhere to swim. This proved to be a
           with each event catering for all levels of each     herculean task, with many teething problems;
           discipline. These events are themselves,            but finally in Nov 1994 WNAG took to the water
           hosted by working groups from across the UK –       at their new home at Bryn Bach Park, Tredegar.

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