Page 116 - K9 News - Issue 14 - December 2020
P. 116
colour to do so and. And in her second litter offspring with many champions most notably Ch
produced Ch Merrybear Dunhill. Three years Merrybear Einar.
later the kennel won best of breed at Crufts with
a brown male Merrybear Frodo. We also bought into quarantine two males from
the Cayuga Kennel - Cayuga Edwuardo and
Our next top winning dog was our homebred Cayuga Giovanni. Edwardo turned out to be a
Champion Merrybear Luigi who won 20 super show dog winning 10 CCs very quickly
challenge certificates as well as winning best including the group at Bath Ch show as well as
in Show at both the Working and Pastoral winning Best of Breed at Crufts and Group 4 as
breeds shows in 1990 and in that year he also well.
went on to win Best of Breed at Crufts from the
veteran class. Luigi produced some top winning Giovanni was a great producing male siring 16
offspring as well. champions and today that is the record in the
With the strong brown line established the top
winning CC brown of all time is Ch Merrybear More group winners were produced by these
Qpid, a Luigi Daugher. There have been other two males being Ch Merrybear Thumper,
top winning browns, most notably Ch Merrybear Ch Merrybear Barry white not forgetting Ch
Carrie, a Luigi daughter and Merrybear Patti Merrybear Ungarro and Ch Merrybear Unsung
La Belle of Kenamu, a Luigi granddaughter. Hero who also was Best of Breed at Crufts and
Both these bitches have produced many Group 2.
champions in their offspring, From Carrie
came Ch Merrybear Einar, the only brown in In 2004 Champion Merrybear Barry White was
the breed to win an all-breed Best In Show at aslo best of breed at Crufts winning his third cc
SKC2, and from Pattie came our own male and taking Group 2 as well. The same weekend
Kenamu Break The Mould Merrybear who won the kennel is also the only Newfoundland
19 challenge certificates. Also Ch Merrybear Kennel to win the Breeders stakes overall at
Make My Day, another group winner and his half Crufts.
brother Ch Merrybear Enrique also a
group winner. Both these males are
grandsons of Luigi.
We imported again from Denmark
and this time we bought in a
brother and sister Ch Newf House
Scandinavian Warrior for Merrybear
and Ch Newf House Scandinavian
Princess for Merrybear, in from
Inge Artso. These two in their first
year in the showring won 10 and
9 challenge certificate’s. Scandi,
as he was known, went on to
greater achievement’s becoming
the Breed Record holder to date
with 49 challenge certificates. He
was also top dog in the working / CH NEWF HOUSE SCANDINAVIAN WARRIOR
Pastoral Group as well as winning
the Pedigree Champion stakes final FOR MERRYBEAR
overall he also produced some super The Breed record holder with 49 CCs