Page 8 - K9 News - Issue 14 - December 2020
P. 8


              BITS & PIECES
              BIT                  S & PIEC                                               ES

           Learning From the

                    Successful Breeders

             Very few people enter the world of purebred       the virtues and breed characteristics they most
           dogs with the initial intention of becoming         appreciate. In time they will hopefully locate a
           successful breeders. The vast majority begin        breeder of some experience who not only puts
           with one dog that they take to dog shows and        top quality dogs in the ring themselves, but has
           often this is when they get drawn into an all-      also been prepared to sell dogs of similar quality
           consuming world.                                    to other exhibitors.

             Maybe their first dog is just an average            All breeders have their own philosophy when
           specimen and, over time and a few shows, the        it comes to establishing a bloodline, but the
           critiques (if they are lucky enough to get them)    majority will probably have embarked on a
           their dog receives will make them realise their     programme of line-breeding where all matings
           dog’s overall merit, its virtues and its faults.    are effected so that both parents share common
           They may decide to just stick with their original   ancestors than excelled in particular aspects of
           dog, attending the occasional show where they       the breed.
           will meet up with new friends they have made
           who share a common interest. Often they will          Having obtained a well-bred foundation bitch
           accept that their dog is not top-class and make     it is always advisable to listen to advice from
           the decision to get something better, usually       the bitch’s breeder as they will know many of
           choosing to buy a bitch from which they can         the dogs in her pedigree and will know from
           breed. If they become a “breeder” this will be      experience which lines complement each other.
           their foundation bitch.
                                                                 Whilst listening to advice from the bitch’s
             Buying a foundation bitch is a huge step and      breeder, it is always wise to keep an open mind
           much research is necessary. First of all they will   and look at the bigger picture as to what is
           obviously want a bitch of the “type” they most      happening in a breed and much can be learnt
           admire and so they should closely look at the       from watching the activities of other successful
           breeding of those dogs they have seen in the        breeders. There is also a lot to be gained
           show ring which most appeal to them, having         by studying the pedigrees of others who are

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