Page 2 - MSOPC Newsletter MARCH 2021 with LINKSxxx.indd
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A Bi  g Th   an  k y  o u!        Retirement
        A Big Thank you!

                                           We would also like to express our thanks to our Treasurer Chris
        A big thank you from
        MSOPC to all those kind            Ollif who has served us well over many years. Chris has decided to
                                           hang up his spreadsheets and spend a little more time with his wife
        and generous people who            Fidelma.
        have sent in donations to
        our Charity, our sincere
        thanks and appreciation.           Both Fidelma and Chris have been loyal supporters of MSOPC since
                                           the very early days, we will miss them both dearly, but it has been a
                                           pleasure working alongside them. Thank you both for everything
        At the time of going to            you have done.

        print we have                      From Team MSOPC.
        received the fantastic
        sum of £500 in

        individual donations.            Welcome to our new treasurer

                                                                                meet friends old and new. In the
                                          Jeanette Howarth, who has
        Although we send out as           Je an e tt e  H o w art h , w h o  h as   meet friends old and new. In the
        much correspondence as            taken over the reins from Chris       meantime I am sure you will all
        we can via email, we still        and has very quickly settled into     join in welcoming Jeanette to
        need to reach those who           the role and already become a         the fold..
        don’t have access to the          valued member of the team. We
        internet. Through your            look forward to when we can all
        generosity your donations         get together and meet
        have helped us to reach           personally instead of via Zoom.
        many housebound and
        isolated people.                  But now that our Prime Minister
                                          has set out his road map to
                                          opening up,  hopefully it won’t
        Vaccine Scams                     be too long before we can all
                                          get out and about again and
        Please be aware of Covid                                                Jeannette Howarth
        -19 vaccine scam texts and
        e-mails which look very
                                          Another welcome back into the fold
        similar to the real ones.         Another          w   elcome         ba   ck    in t o th    e  f old
        The vaccine is only
        available from the NHS            Is Nicola, who has been on maternity leave. Nicola has agreed to
        and is free, so you should        come and help us out with things such as getting the newsletter
        never be asked to pay for         together and generally keeping us updated and in communication
        it or give your bank              with everyone. It’s good to have you back Nicola and on the team.

                                          As we mentioned in our last Newsletter Hannah is now on
                                          Maternity leave and we wish her well. She has had a little girl called
                                          Mollie Fearne, who arrived on 2nd March weighing in at 7lbs 5oz.
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