Page 4 - MSOPC Newsletter MARCH 2021 with LINKSxxx.indd
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Help us
Help us New Guidance on Care Home Visiting
y tim
every time • From 8th March 2021, every care home resident can nominate a
single named visitor who will be able to enter the care home for
regular visits, who will need to have a Covid test and wear PPE.
u shop
u shop
you shop
y y y o u shop • Visitors are advised to keep physical contact to a minimum.
onlin e • Residents with the highest care needs will also be able to
nominate an essential care giver.
• Care homes can continue to offer visits to other friends or family
If you buy anything at all members with arrangements such as outdoor visiting, substantial
online including food screens, visiting pods, or behind windows.
shopping, car or home
insurance, gas, electricity, Healthwatch West Sussex has created a dedicated webpage to make
holidays, phone bills, TV it easier for people to find information and advice at
subscriptions, clothes or
other items, you can raise
funds for us at no cost to
yourself. Please go to
then go through the Easy
Fundraising site to your
usual online shop and
MSOPC will receive a
donation from them!
Look out for your invitation pack for residents over the phone. To
in the post. You must complete book an appointment with one of
the census by law, either online or the libraries’ trained Census
Contact us on paper. To fill in the form Support Advisers, phone 0330
online, go to 222 3455 Monday to Friday
If you would like to get in touch between 10am to 4pm.
with us about anything, please and enter the access code in your
phone our answerphone on invitation pack. Your answers are protected by
01444 242760 with a clear Every census completed online law and kept confidential. Census
message and we will phone you field officers will only follow up
back. saves taxpayers money, however
if you need to order a paper with households after Census Day
Or you can write to us at 93 form, or need help filling in the on March 21st if householders
Barnmead, Haywards Heath, form online, you can phone the have not yet completed their
West Sussex, RH16 1XB contact centre for free on 0800 questionnaire. They will never
enter a household, will always be
Please do have a look at our 141 2021. NGT (text relay service)
Facebook page (18001) 0800 141 2021. socially distanced, equipped with Alternatively, West Sussex PPE and work in line with all and new-look government guidance.
website libraries can complete the form