Page 17 - Housing
P. 17
● BirthCertificatesforallfamilymembers: □
1. are not needed if you have refugee status.
prepare one.
The IRC can help you
are needed if you have subsidiary protection or leave to
remain. If you don’t have, don’t worry.
● Propertyaffidavitifyoudonothaverefugeestatus. □
2.5 While you are waiting on your housing list application to
be processed:
● Advocateforyourselfbycontactingthecouncil,byphoneor email, and checking the status of your application.
● ContactyourPeterMcVerryTrust(PMVT)orDePaulCaseworker. Let them know what type of accommodation / area you are looking for.
● FindouttheHAPpaymentyouwillreceiveandstartlookingonline / contacting local letting agents to see what is available.
● Referencesletters:
- Direct Provision centre manager
- any education courses you attended
- your employer
- any organisations you are involved with.
● ApplyforyourIrishResidencePermit(IRP)ifyouhavenotalready. - If you’re applying in Dublin make an appointment at
- If applying outside Dublin, you can find your local garda station here: Station Directory.
● Applyforyourfullsocialwelfarepayment.Youcanapplyforyour payment online at Or contact your local Intreo office.