Page 19 - Housing
P. 19
3. Housing Assistance Payment
When you have submitted your housing application to the City or Counct Council it can take up to 12 weeks to be processed.
Once approved you are on that Council's 'housing list'. It can take many years to be offered a council house. Unfortuantely there is no exact time-line that you can expect to wait. In Dublin, as of June 2021 they say it can be "at least 7 years before we can offer you a house (depending on your housing need)"
Once you are on the housing list, you are now eligible for the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP).
Once you receive your HAP paperwork, you can start to look for private rental accommodation.
3.1 What is HAP?
● HAP=HousingAssistancePayment.
● YougetHAPwhenyouareapprovedforthehousinglist.
● Thisishowthecouncilhelpsyoupayyourrent.
● YoucanworkfulltimeandstillreceiveHAP.
● YoumustearnbelowtheincomethresholddiscussedinSection
● Youpayaapprox.15%(between12–20%)ofyourincometothe
council as rent.