Page 21 - Housing
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 ● IfyouchoosetoleaveyourHHAPaccommodation,youwill
 transfer to regular HAP.
 ● HomelessHAPispaidinadvance.
3.3 Regular HAP
● IfyouarelivingoutsideofDirectProvisionorhomelessservices, you are not eligible for homeless HAP.
● Youdonotreceivethedepositorfirstmonth’srentfromthe council.
● YouareresponsibletocoverthefullrentuntiltheHAPpayment starts. This can sometimes take a few weeks.
● Youusuallyhavetopaythedepositandfirstmonth’srentupfront to the landlord before you move in.
● Usuallyyougeta20%increaseontheadvertisedHAPrate,but you need to ask the council’s permission.
● RegularHAPispaidinarrears.
3.4 How HHAP and regular HAP work:
● Thecouncilpaystherentmoneydirectlytoyourlandlord.
● Youpayapproximately15%ofyourincometothecouncil,
depending on the council. For some you pay 12%, others 22%.
● Thiscomesdirectlyoutofyourwagesorsocialwelfarepayment.
● IftherentismorethantheHAPrateyoucanincrease,youcan
‘top up’ the payment by approx. 15% of your income.
● Youpaythistothelandlorddirectlyasadirectdebit.
● Yourtotalrentshouldnotbemorethan30%ofyourincome.
● Ifitis,thecouncilcanrefusetheHAPapplication.

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