P. 19


                                                       3. Indikator

                                                           Melakukan dialog dengan teman, meminta pekndapat dan

                                                           memberikan pendapat terhadap satu hal

                                                       4. Tujuan Plajaran

                                                            siswa mampu menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan

                                                            lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang melibatkan

                                                            tindakan meminta perhatian, memeriksa pemahaman

                                                            menghargai kinerja, serta meminta dan mengungkapkan

                                                            pendapat, dan menanggapinya dengan memperhatikan fungsi

                                                            sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan

                                                            sesuai konteks

                                         F. TES FORMATIF

                                             TASK 1.

                                            Chooe the correct letter, a,b.c or d

                                            1.   Cici : I think kiki is the nicest students in our class. What do you think.

                                                Rian : ...... She always helpful.

                                                a. Impossible          b. I think so          c. I don't  thinkk so           d. I don't agree

                                          2. Williams : What do you think of this t-shirt?

                                               Albert      : I think it's great!

                                               a. Giving for opinion           b. Asking for opinion          c. Expresing opinion

                                               d. Asking the prce

                                           3. Gina : What's your opinion about the novel?

                                               Angel : I like it. it is fascinating

                                               a. Angel disagree with Gina's opinion         b. Gina's is asking Angel's opinion

                                               c. Gina is giving her opinion          d. They don't like reading novel

                                           4. Kano : How do you feel the temperature here?

                                               Andi  : I think .......

                                               Bina   : I think so, We need to open all windows.

                                               a. So hot here.        b. Good job.            c. Yes i believe.          d. Nice weather
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