Page 31 - DRAGO GT Operators Manual
P. 31
Section 5 – Operation
Option 1 – Non Chopping (Standard)
The base Drago GT corn head is available as a non-
chopping corn head. A block off plate (F) is installed in
place of the chopping gearbox. This relies solely upon
the stalk roller knives to break up residue, and will
typically leave standing corn stalks approximately 12”
(300mm) tall, depending on operating height.
Option 2 – Single Chopper
The single chopping option incorporates a single
gearbox (G) under each row of the corn head with a
single rotating block with two knives. The corn stalks
are first pulled through the stalk rollers, then the
material is additionally chopped by the rotating
chopping knives. The rotating chopping knives also cut
the standing corn stalks left by the stalk rollers to the
same height, depending on operating height. The
single chopper is also equipped with a shut off feature
(H) that allows individual rows to be disengaged.
Option 3 – Twin Chop+
The Twin Chop+ chopping option incorporates a single
gearbox (I) under each row of the corn head with two
co- rotating blocks, each with two knives. The corn
stalks are first pulled through the stalk rollers, then
the material is additionally chopped by the co-rotating
chopping knives. The forward mounted chopping block
(J) rotates at a faster speed as compared to the rear
chopping block (K). This creates a counter cutting
action on the corn stalk. This chopping option also cuts
the standing corn stalks left by the stalk rollers to the
same height, depending on operating height, but
provides smaller material sizing. The Twin Chop+ is
not equipped with a shut off feature.
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