Page 21 - FINAL SWATHYA Health Journal Vo1 Issue1 April 1st 2020
P. 21

Souce: PA
 Health Secretary Matt Hancock and other officials of  England at the opening of the NHS Nightingale Hospital at the ExCel centre  in London,

            has performed  an opening ceremony    Prince  Charles was reported  to  Harrogate, Bristol,  Cardiff,  Glasgow,
            remotely. He said: “This hospital offers  have experienced  mild symptoms  of  and Belfast.
            us an intensely practical  message  of  Covid-19 last month and received NHS   The  University   Hospitals
            hope  for  those who  will  need it most  testing because, owing to his symptoms  Birmingham  NHS Foundation  Trust
            at this time of national suffering. Let us  and  age  of  71,  he  fulfilled  criteria  set  (UHB) took the lead for the Birmingham
            also pray, ladies and gentlemen, that it  by  the  NHS  in  Aberdeenshire.  This  NHS  Nightingale Hospital that will
            will be required for as short a time and  decision, however, prompted anger over  have a  workforce of doctors, nurses,
            for as few people as possible.”     the lack of coronavirus testing available  therapists  and  support  staff.  This  will
                                                for key workers. Praising the efforts, he  be the second  to launch  in the UK,
               Most  of the hospitals  in London   commented,” He praised the efforts of  following  the opening of the London
            have  been  overflowing  with  Covid-19   workers in the NHS. “To convert one of  outpost at the ExCeL exhibition centre
            patients  victims as London  took the   the largest national conference centres  last month.
            brunt  of the spread of infection and   into a field hospital, starting with 500   Dr David Rosser, the Chief Executive
            death  toll.    Referring to  his diagnosis,   beds and with a potential  of 4000, is,   of  UHB,  Dr  David  Rosser  said:  “The
            Prince  Charles, who  self-isolated  for   quite frankly, incredible.”
                                                                                    extraordinary  effort in creating the
            seven days, said: “I was one of the lucky
                                                  The combined task  forces which  Nightingale  Hospital Birmingham is a
            ones to have Covid-19 relatively mildly.
                                                included the NHS, army and the private  total team effort. Without this collective
            I’m so glad to see the Secretary of State
                                                sector  transformed  the site in a very  purpose we would not have been able
            has also recovered. But, for some, it will
                                                short  time  as more hospitals were  to make the staggering preparations to
            be a much harder journey.”
                                                planned  for  Birmingham, Manchester,  deliver this facility.
                                                                                  Volume:1 I Issue:1 I APRIL 2020 21
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