Page 22 - FINAL SWATHYA Health Journal Vo1 Issue1 April 1st 2020
P. 22



               INDIA Lock down
               1.3 Billion in self-isolation

               and a battle for show of unity

                n the wake of the worldwide  said the ongoing lock-down  was  state  administrations have attempted
                spread   of  the Corona-virus  the  necessary  to break  the chain of virus  to impose  strict imposition  of  ‘lock-
                Prime Minister of India  Hon  transmission  and ensure everyone’s  down’ and monitoring has began
                Narendra Modi announced that  safety.                               across the nation.  The officials say that
            IIndia's entire population of 1.3bn                                     the  government  have  identified  many
            people would be under lock-down.    PM  Modi said that  the entire country  hot-spots of infected areas and a huge
                                                was  fighting  against  Corona-virus.  He  attempt is made to trace movement of
            The PM explained that unless the people  said, “Mahabharata war took 18 days to  those affected by the virus.
            in India practiced social distancing, and  conclude, the war against Corona-virus
            the  “chain  of  its  spread  not  broken”  will take 21 days.” He advised people to  There have been serious  concerns
            within these 21 days, the corona-virus  follow the lock-down and stay indoors.   expressed  of lack  of protective
            outbreak could push the country back                                    equipment by front line workers  and
            by 21 years, and thousands of families  Addressing the nation on Corona-virus,  doctors treating patients.
            would be devastated forever.        PM Modi said the entire world is going
                                                through a deep crisis. PM Modi urged  The  health  ministry  has moved  to
            In a video  message  to the nation,  citizens to exercise restraint by staying  secure testing equipment and has also
            PM Modi appreciated the people for  at home and not stepping out as much  setup up regional  centers  to provide
            showing  discipline  and following the  as possible during  the Corona-virus  testing facilities.
            ongoing  lock-down.  Making  a  special  pandemic. “Social distancing measures
            request,  PM  Modi urged citizens to  are very important at this time,” he said.  The  Indian Council For  Medical
            switch off all lights of our homes on 5th  PM Modi urged all citizens to follow the  Research (ICMR) recently approved
            April at  9 PM  for 9 minutes and only  ‘Janta Curfew’.                 a Covid-19 testing  kit  developed by
            light a candle, diya or mobile flashlight,                              a  private  firm,  which  was  claiming  to
            as a mark of every Indian’s fight against  While many countries in the world have  give results in just one hour.
            Corona-virus. He also urged people not  been facing a steep  rise  in Covid-19
            to gather in the streets and maintain  infection and fatalities, India seemed to  Molbio  Diagnostics  Private Limited
            social distancing during the exercise.  have not been moved to the 3rd stage of  said its testing kits will help the health
                                                the pandemic.                       department get results of  Covid-19
            PM Modi  emphasised  on ‘social                                         suspected people much faster. Much of
            distancing’  to  fight  the  COVID-19  Many experts fear that  India being   the tests which were being conducted
            menace and applauded  the doctors  large nation with it’s relatively large  usually took  more than a day or more
            and other health care workers for their  population, the infection spread would  to  show  results.  be  taken  anywhere
            untiring efforts. He hailed them as the  be much faster once it picks up speed.   and the patient did not  need to travel
            ‘front-line soldiers.’ The Prime Minister  The central  government and many  to a designated hospital to get tested.
            22    Volume:1 I Issue:1 I APRIL 2020
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