Page 38 - FINAL SWATHYA Health Journal Vo1 Issue1 April 1st 2020
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Sibal takes charge as Vision of Prof. Anupam of paramedics, career
President of GAPIO Sibal, President - GAPIO opportunities for nurses.
Another important program
“Last Mile- reaching the doorstep
Prof Anupam Sibal has taken over of the unreached to delivering
as President of GAPIO on 3rd healthcare at point of care,
January 2020 at Nagpur and has Tele-consult, Tele-testing, Tele-
planned to focus on 15 programs radiology through telemedicine.
and other GAPIO initiatives during A position paper on these
the next 3 years. initiatives will be published with
After he assuming charge of the help of consulting companies
President of GAPIO, Dr. Anupam like PwC, BCG and BAIN and
Sibal announced that all decisions recommendations will be shared
will be taken in consultation with with Health Ministry and other
Executive Committee members concerned Government agencies.
and everyone will work as a team. GAPIO will strengthen and
His prime focus will be on activate women’s forum and young
Overseas MBBS Training for Indian doctors forum.
students studying in Russia, China,
Bangladesh, Nepal and
other countries to increase
Prof. Anupam Sibal is the new President the number of students
of the Global Association of Physicians appearing in FMGE
of Indian Origin. Dr Sibal, Senior examination.
Consultant Pediatric Gastroenterologist The current pass
and Hepatologist at Indraprastha Apollo percentage is between 13%
Hospitals, Delhi since 1997 is the former to 18%. GAPIO will work on
Vice-President of GAPIO. He has been increasing number of Post
Group Medical Director, Apollo Hospitals Graduate seats to give boost
Group since 2005. He took over charge to Post Graduate medical
from Dr Ramesh Mehta OBE who retired education, augmentation
as President of GAPIO in January 2020. of capacity and training
GAPIO had a successful X Annual International Conference 2020 in Nagpur
Delegates, speakers and coordinator of the X Annual International Conference of Global Association of Physicians Of
Indian Origin (GAPIO 2020) in association with Academy of Medical Sciences - Nagpur
Global Association of Physicians Of GAPIO has the motto to improve accompanied by Dr Ramesh Mehta
Indian Origin (GAPIO 2020) held its health worldwide. This conference GAPIO Chairman, UK, Dr Anupam
successful X Annual International provided a good chance for delegates to Sibal Vice President India, Dr R. R.
Conference based on the “Excellence have updated knowledge by interacting Khandelwal, Org. Chairman, Dr Prakash
in Health Care through Quality and with eminent Indian doctors working Khetan, Conference Secretary, Dr
Innovation” in January 2020. abroad. Pramod Gandhi Conference Treasurer,
The event was organised in The Chief Guest Dr B. J. Subhedar, Dr Nirmal Jaiswal, President AMS,
association with the Academy of a veteran Physician was joined by the Dr Sanjay Jain, Secretary AMS, Dr
Medical Sciences Nagpur and held at Guest of Honour Dr Vikas Amte to S.N. Deshmukh. And Dr R.P.Mundle
the Kingsway Hospitals. inaugurate the conference. They were Chairman Scientific. q
38 Volume:1 I Issue:1 I APRIL 2020