Page 39 - FINAL SWATHYA Health Journal Vo1 Issue1 April 1st 2020
P. 39


            Dr AGGARWAL APPOINTED  AS NEW  Ind i an- Ame r i c an
            PRESIDENT OF CMAAO                                                    Congressman  Ro Khanna

                                                                                  appointed  to  the  White
                                                 The  Confederation of  Medical   House Corona-virus advisory
                                                 Association of Asia and Oceania   council
                                                 (CMAAO) appointed Dr KK
                                                 Aggarwal as President.
                                                    Dr  KK Aggarwal takes  over
                                                 from Dr  Ravindran  Naidu,
                                                 Past  President at  34th CMAAO
                                                 General  Assembly and 55th
                                                 Council Meeting
                                                   Dr KK Aggarwal, a well-known
                                                 proactive professional who has
                                                 known to provide a voice to the
                                                 medical fraternity in India.
              He  is  President  of  Heart  Care  (AMR); tobacco use;  HIV/AIDS,
            Foundation    of   India   (HCFI).  etc.  In  addtion  he  referred  to
            Dr  Aggarwal  has been the past  the violence  against  doctors and
            national  president  of  the Indian  inequity in health  among many
            Medical Association  (IMA), an  issues  for  concern.  “Attaining
            advisor  to the ethics committee,  universal health  coverage, which
            World Medical Association.         is affordable, accessible, available,
                                                                                  The White House has appointed an Indian-
               Dr  Aggarwal  said,  “It  is  my  appropriate  and   accountable,
                                                                                  American Democratic  Congressman Ro
            immense privilege  to assume the  remains a  distant  goal  for many
                                                                                  Khanna  to the Corona-virus Advisory
            role of the President of CMAAO.  The  of  us.  Only  by  addressing  and

                                                                                  Council.  The 43 year old Senator is the
            theme of the General Assembly  –  prioritising  we consider  the
                                                                                  only Indian-American lawmaker to be
            Path to Wellness – ‘One Health’, he  concept of ‘One Health’.
                                                                                  named  in  the  White  House's  Opening
            said will be his priority this year.   For  the success  of  CMAAO, let
                                                                                  Up America Again Congressional Group
               There are several public health  us give 80 seconds every day to the
                                                                                  which  comprises  Congressmen from
            challenges today such  as vector-  body and share one idea with me
                                                                                  both the Republican and the Democratic
            borne  diseases;  communicable  to make this year, one of the most
                                                                                  parties.  He  represents  California’s  17th
            and non-communicable  diseases  vibrant years in the history of the   Congressional District, located in Silicon
            (NCDs);  antimicrobial  resistance  organisation. q
            The First Sikh A&E Consultant In Britain Dies Of Coronavirus.
            Dr  Manjeet  Singh Riyat  is   the latest   paid  tribute  to  Dr  Riyat  saying,  “  For
            victim of coronavirus. He was 52 years   the  Sikh community, he was regarded
            old  and  was  the  first  Sikh  emergency   as true ‘hero’ who  broke barriers  of
            medicine  consultant  at  Royal  Derby   the  glass  ceiling  for  our  community”.
            hospital.  His  colleagues  described   Adding, ”His contribution, I am sure will
            him  as  the  “father  of  the  emergency   be valued by the NHS like many of our
            department”   and said that  he always   colleagues across  the United  Kingdom
            set an example by living life in keeping   have  given  their  lives  fighting  this
            with his  high standards  and strong   menace of corona pandemic worldwide.
            values.                            Dr  Gautam  Bodiwala  CBE, Former
                  Dr Jagdeesh Singh Dhaliwal based   World  President  of  the  International
            in Australia, said that Manjeet was wise   Federation for  Emergency Medicine
            beyond his years and always measured,   said,”   I  had known  Manjeet  Riyat
            highly  principled,  and  pragmatic.  He   since he was a  medical student  in
            had a deep innate desire to do good in   Leicester  and became my trainee
                                             too”.  Adding,“Manjeet  was  a  very  loyal
            the world by being of service to others,
                                             colleague. A man with great team spirit,
            whether  you were a friend,  a patient,
                                             had  big hearted friendship , dedicated
            or  a  colleague.  Manjeet  would  be  the
                                             and  committed  to  his  patients.  His
            person you knew you could ask for help,
                                             departure is a great loss for his friends,
            and he would never refuse. He would go
                                             family, Derby hospital and the world of     Dr Manjeet Singh Riyat
            out of his way to do the right thing.   Emergency Medicine. q               A& E Consultant - Derby
               Dr Satwinder S  Basra, a GP in Bedford
                                                                                  Volume:1 I Issue:1 I APRIL 2020 39
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