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Award Presentations During the 23rd State Biennial Conference
                                   By Phillip Ferguson – Awards Committee Chairman

It was my great honor to present six bravery and skill of our Brothers and Brother Wilson headed up the dedica-

awards at the 23rd Biennial Confer- Sister their plans were thwarted. Our tion and completion of the lodge play-

ence in Asheville on August 12th.  hats are off to Brother Mike Langley, ground that was built in honor of a

Awards for Valor were presented Brother Jonathan Phillips, Brother fallen member and often attends city

to Brother Mike Langley, Brother Jon- Blake Buchanan, Brother Anthony council meetings, local community

athan Phillips, Brother Blake Bu- Hopkins, and Sister Audrey Parrish of group meetings, fundraisers, and com-

chanan, Brother Anthony Hopkins, the Macon-Jackson Lodge #81!               munity events on behalf of Lodge #1.

and Sister Audrey Parrish of the Ma- The 2016 Mark Tucker Award His efforts to reach out to the men and

con-Jackson Lodge #81. These awards nominees were Brother Martin Wilson women of Law Enforcement in our

were for actions in engaging and ap- of the Harold C. Enloe Lodge #1, community never stops and his dedica-

prehending two heavily armed sus- Brother Ronnie Stinson of the Char- tion to their well-being is shown by his

pects who were in the initial stages of lotte-Mecklenburg Lodge #9, and compassion efforts to reach and help

committing a mass shooting at the Brother Marshall Ruppard of the Cald- those in our area. Brother Martin is

South Macon Elementary School on well County Lodge #83.                     very involved in the North Carolina

June 4, 2015.                      The 2016 Mark Tucker Award was Law Enforcement Torch Run and even

Called to the school just before awarded to Brother Marty Wilson. spent an entire weekend on top of the

5:30 a.m. by a bus driver who had con- Brother Wilson has been a member of local Krispy Kreme Donuts to raise

fronted two armed suspects, Sister Par- the Fraternal Order of Police since money. Brother Wilson also serves as

rish was the first to arrive. Sister Par- 1984 and retired from the Asheville Assistant Scout Master for local boy

rish encountered the two armed sus- Police Department after 30 years of scouts and has been instrumental in

pects who refused to follow her com- service. Brother Wilson currently helping several scouts receive their

mands. One of the suspects attempted serves as Vice President of Lodge One badges and eagle awards by coordinat-

to fire at Sister Parrish, but his hand- in Asheville North Carolina and previ- ing projects at Lodge #1. Marty can of-

gun malfunctioned. Sister Parrish took ously served as 2nd Vice President. ten be found at Lodge #1 overseeing

cover until backup arrived. Brother Brother Wilson has taken on numerous projects and keeping the lodge squared

Langley arrived followed by Brothers roles as Vice President filling in as away while making himself available

Phillips & Buchanan.               President, Treasurer, State Trustee, to members that stop by for assistance

    After coordinating an offensive and Secretary. Brother Wilson coordi- or just conversation.
these Macon County Sheriff’s Officers nates a lodge fundraising group that

confronted the suspects; the suspects works out of our lodge. Marty coordi- Congratulations to Marty for a job

once again refused to obey commands. nates lodge upkeep and building pro- very well done!

As the male suspect reached for a jects as well as cooking for special oc-          Don’t forget Brothers and Sisters
handgun in his waistband he was casions such as the Lodge #1 retiree

Tased and dropped the handgun, but breakfast and other FOP events.          that nominations for the 2017 Officer

upon recovering the suspect again Brother Wilson also serves on the FOP of the Year Award open January 1,

reached for the handgun two additional State Foundation Committee and at- 2017! As always feel free to contact

times and was Tased each time. The fe- tends state and national FOP training me or other Awards Committee mem-

male suspect then reached from the and conferences.                         bers if you need help with a nomina-

dropped handgun and was Tased. Yet Lodge President Rondell Lance tion. Your Awards Committee Mem-
through these tense moments Sergeant said, “I have many ideas and plans and bers are: Jimmy Wingo, Harold C. En-

Langley, Corporal Phillips, Deputy Martin never questions the ideas but loe Lodge #1, Rick Eades, Iredell

Parrish, Deputy Buchanan, and Deputy starts thinking of ways to accomplish County Lodge #10, Greta Philbeck,
Hopkins used great restraint and the lodge’s desire and wants. He is al- Cleveland County Lodge #18, Jesse

brought these suspects under control. ways the first to take the reins and Jernigan, Wayne County Lodge #62,

A total of five firearms and multiple begin the process of starting projects Byron Highland, Pitt-Greenville
edged weapons were found with one of and covering all details of our projects. Lodge #69, Robert “Reo” Griffith,

the firearms located on a school bus. Any request I have made to him as his Avery County Lodge #91, and Phil

It is very clear that these two repro- role as VP he has never said no, but re- Wiggins, Committee Advisor, Durham

bates intended to carry out a mass plies okay if that is what you want we County Lodge #2.
shooting that morning, but through the will make it happen.”

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