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Officer Suicide Prevention Seminar
       By Barry Westmoreland – President Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Lodge 8

In the year 2015 Law Enforce- deal with these pains and issues and At the NCFOP Biennial Confer-

ment lost 130 Officers from Line-of- go on. But some cannot and use sui- ence in Asheville, Lodge 8 President

Duty Deaths. While this number is cide as their means of relief.            Barry Westmoreland presented this

painful, there are other numbers that    On Saturday, June 21, 2016, issue and idea to the NCFOP Dele-

are just as painful, if not more so. By Lodge 8 hosted a Law Enforcement gates and asked if the NCFOP would

mid-2015, we had also already lost Officer Suicide Prevention Semi- be interested in assisting in or con-

an additional 51 Officers with a pro- nar. The announced one-hour semi- ducting the next seminar. The Board

jected total of 102 Officers for nar was conducted during our regu- of Directors said they would be inter-

the year. But these Officers did not larly scheduled monthly Member- ested in supporting the event. And

die from the hands, guns, knives, ex- ship Meeting. It was open to All Of- National FOP Sergeant at Arms

plosives or vehicles of sus- ficers without regard of the FOP or Roger Mayberry, who was in attend-

pects. These Officers died from their any other Law Enforcement Organi- ance, said the Grand Lodge FOP

own hand...suicide. The loss of one zation membership. We had a good would be available to assist in the

Officer is too many. But attendance that morning with FOP planning, funding and presentation

when nearly as many Officers die and non-FOP Members.                       of the Seminar.

from suicide as from criminal sus-     Lodge 8 Chaplain Dan Crandell,       While there are yet no dates or

pects, we have a problem.              a retired NCDOC Psychiatrist, ar- locations for the event, we hope to be

The Winston-Salem/Forsyth ranged for a local Psychiatrist to ad- able to announce all of the infor-

County FOP Lodge 8 realized this dress our members. There was great mation on this upcoming seminar

shortly after one of our retired Depu- discussion and many questions asked soon.

ties and former FOP member unex- by the Officers and the Doctor. In the Being an Officer does not mean

pectedly and surprisingly shot him- end we all knew that we had only only watching and protecting the

self. We expect our Officers to be scratched the surface of the problem backs of our fellow Officers on

tough and strong, and to never cry and that another seminar, much calls. It also means we watch, pro-

and never hurt. BUT, Officers are longer in length, was needed. Lodge tect and help them all the time. Who

humans. We have emotions, sick- 8 began investigating the idea of ex- better to know the pains of an Of-

nesses, pains, financial and domestic panding the next seminar to a full day ficer, than their Brother and Sister

problems, depression and loneli- event.                                     Officers.

ness. The large majority of Officers

River City FOP Lodge 76 Gears Up For Fright Nights

                                       By Kelly Nolan – President Lodge 76

The River City Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 76 is gearing In the summer of 2006 the River City FOP Lodge 76 talked

up for our annual fundraiser, also known as Fright Nights. The about developing a fundraiser that would last through the

event will take place at the Old Elizabeth City Middle School, years. They asked, what does the local area not have? The dis-

located at 302 N Road Street, Elizabeth City, NC 27909. The cussions started about a haunted house attraction. The first

event dates are as follows: October 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30, thought was an outdoor haunted forest but with the constant

and of course, October 31- Halloween Night. Doors open at fear of local hurricanes the focus turned toward an indoor

7:00p.m.-11:00p.m. or until the last person is run through the event. When the idea was brought before the full membership

attraction. Tickets will be on sale at the venue each night. Tick- it was voted on and passed. The FOP Haunted House was born

ets are $10.00 per person or you can purchase the Fast Pass for and was located in the old S&R Grocery Store located on

$18.00. The following is a little history of Fright Nights.                                  Continued Pg. 30

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