Page 12 - WEST FOP BlueNote 2017 Jan Feb Issue
P. 12

A Law Enforcement Christmas….                                                       Continued from P. 10

Lodge 46 member and Nash County Sheriff Keith Stone started a new initiative called “A Sheriff's Christmas” to

sponsor 6 families that reside in Nash County. The employees of the Nash County Sheriff's Office were instrumental

in identifying the families based on prior interactions and assessment of the children's needs. They feel that this

endeavor enhances the relationships between law enforcement and the community and shows the more personal side

of a law enforcement officer. The Sheriff and his Deputies were out and about on Christmas delivering gifts to these

families and giving them a Christmas they may otherwise not have had.

On December 16th, Lodge 46 member and Chief of Police Tom Bashore of the Nashville Police Department also

hosted a Cops and Kids event with his Officers at Walmart in Nashville. This year they sponsored 15 children to

assist them with Christmas. Each child was paired with an Officer and had $300.00 to spend on clothing and toys.

Then on Saturday December 17th the Nashville Police Department held their annual “Pack A Patrol Car With Toys”

and delivered them throughout the town of Nashville to 30 kids that could not attend their Cops and Kids event. Chief

Bashore stated, "All of the children are chosen from the Elementary and Middle school in town, along with the

daycare facilities."

                                         Blue Winter

                                   By: Chet A. Effler – Chairman of Trustees NCFOP

A lot of people, especially lately, have a bad view of That changed in Asheville, but we must let it go and

cops, but this was a chance for some to see the human move forward.

side behind the badge. The badge represents authority, It is important that we decide on a couple of issues that

but behind that is a human who cares and feels and wants our Lodge should address and allow the Governor Elect

to give back to the community they protect.          the opportunity to show he is serious about his commit-

In August we met in Asheville for our State Confer- ment to Law Enforcement across North Carolina. I be-

ence. The blue carpet was rolled out for the delegates lieve we should extend an olive branch and ask the Gov-

and “Thank You” seems so small, but Harold C. Enloe ernor Elect to meet with us and see that we made our

Lodge1 really knocked the ball out of the park. The  point and we are ready to move forward in a positive

least we can say is “Thank You” to everyone that as- way.

sisted in a wonderful conference. I look forward to trav- The North Carolina Legislature remained in the con-

eling to Davidson County for the Spring                                trol of Republicans. The General Assem-

Board Meeting hosted by Lodge 97.                                      bly has a history of claiming they support

Since meeting in Asheville the attacks on                              Law Enforcement. Let’s hold their feet to

Law Enforcement have not halted. The winter                            the fire. If both the General Assembly and

months have set in and we are under attack at                          the Governor want to claim they support

every turn. The need for action is now. This                           Law Enforcement, then its test time. At the

is the point we have to stand up and say the                           Spring Board Meeting it is my plan to push

election is over and push the protections                              for a coordinated message that every lodge

needed for law enforcement. There is often a         Chet Effler       across North Carolina can use in dealing

honeymoon period for elected officials. The      Chairman of Trustees  with their individual legislators.
most important thing we can do is grow and                                Jeff Gray has done a phenomenal job

be loud while elected officials are picking out                        coordinating our position on various

the curtains.                                        pieces of legislation but we need to provide him with our

In North Carolina, Roy Cooper pledged his support to own list of issues. We have to seize the moment and push

our organization with or without our endorsement. We for legislation that is important to us and originates with

must take this time to reach out to the Governor Elect us as a Lodge. We have found our organization being re-

and start a dialogue for Law Enforcement across North sponsive to legislation, and now it’s time to turn the heat

Carolina. In Asheville, there was a lot of emotions that up.

line officers felt. Those feelings were part of a culmina- I look forward to discussing this with the Trustees and

tion of Law Enforcement feeling left behind. The mes- Executive Board over the next couple of months. I am

sage sent was clear and to be honest, I truly believe Gov- humbled by your friendship and appreciate you frater-

ernor Cooper heard you loud and clear. We must remem- nally. Please feel free to contact me at (828) 442-3181,

ber, we hold the line and often are never vocal or seen.

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