Page 16 - WEST FOP BlueNote 2017 Jan Feb Issue
P. 16

Greetings from the Immediate Past President

                                                                   By Terry Mangum

As we begin a new year, I would like                                  Blessed Are The Peacekeepers!

to wish all of my Fraternal Order of Po-                              You took an oath to serve and protect.

lice Brothers and Sisters across the great                            You can’t call it a job, because it’s a

State of North Carolina a prosperous and                              calling.

safe 2017. For those still working, I ask                             You’re willing to lay your life on the

that you stay vigilant during your duty                               line for strangers.

hours. For those of us who have retired,                              Most of your contact with people

I ask that you pray for the safety and         Terry Mangum           comes at a time they are at the worst,
well-being of all of our law enforcement                              most frightened periods of their lives.
                                            Immediate Past President

officers.                                                             You don’t ask why you just do what you

                                                can to help and protect.

While there has been much anti-police rhetoric You’re the people we hope we never have to call, or

from various insignificant groups, which has been make contact with! But we know if needed you’ll be

shamefully promoted and magnified by the main- there as fast as you can willing to do what you need

stream media outlets, I truly believe this sentiment to do.

is not widely held by the vast majority of our citi- You work in the heat, the cold, the rain the snow....

zens. It is just that these radical groups get the cam- You hope you can someday say I never had to pull

eras and the air time and are given an aura of credi- my gun!

bility by individuals seeking political office. This But if you did, you were doing it to protect those

disgraceful behavior has created an extremely dan- around you and yourself.

gerous environment for our law enforcement offic- Your goal each day is to keep the public safe and to

ers and the citizens we protect and serve.      go back home at the end of your shift. Some of you

                                                don’t always get to go back home. You had to give

During the Christmas season, Mangum Family up your life for the protection of others.

Christmas Lights show has one professional voice- To those that have made that sacrifice you are not

over which promotes the Fraternal Order of Police forgotten. Your spirit rides in every patrol car and

and asks the listeners to keep all law enforcement with every officer every day.

officers in their thoughts and prayers. Our voiceo- To each and every officer serving and protecting us,

vers are by Kevin Dunn of the company, Demented and to those patrolling above, we say thank you,

Elf Productions. Kevin is a strong supporter of law stay safe and may God bless!

enforcement and his father was a police officer. He Blessed Are The Peacekeepers!

created and provided a Tribute To Law Enforce-

ment for anyone with light shows to use in their Let us all remain ever vigilant as we promote and

show. This tribute has become a standard part of the protect our most noble profession and the FOP. If I

Mangum Family Christmas Lights show. The Trib- may be of assistance to you, or if you have any ques-

ute To Law Enforcement is narrated by Kevin dur- tions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact

ing the playing of Silent Night and is as follows: me. As always, I am here to serve you and our


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