Page 18 - WEST FOP BlueNote 2017 Jan Feb Issue
P. 18

An Update from the Grand Lodge

                                   By Dennis McCrary – NC National Trustee

Well the political speeches are over with no crossing arms in November.            Conference in Nashville. This is prov-
                                                                                   ing to be a very important Conference
and we are about to embark on a jour- Please keep these Brothers and their         for the future of our organization.
                                                                                   Please make certain you send dele-
ney that certainly has many unknowns families in your thoughts and prayers.        gates to the Nashville Conference to
                                                                                   represent your lodge and our State.
in the next several years. Our candi-
                                                                                      Recently there were some members
date, Donald Trump, was elected to This year's Day on the Hill will be             who had concerns that the Grand
                                                                                   Lodge was in support of Sanctuary Cit-
serve as our President for the next four held February 13-15 in Washington.        ies. The FOP has never been in favor
                                                                                   of this concept. Our concern, however,
years. His comments during our The State Lodge use to be very active               is that in the effort to prevent establish-
                                                                                   ment of these sanctuaries, the federal
screening process and his campaign at this event but has not participated          government may take away money for
                                                                                   law enforcement needs. We believe
tend to show much support for law en- during the last several years. Local         that there are many other areas sup-
                                                                                   ported by the federal government that
forcement. Our legislative office and lodges are encouraged to attend the          could have funds withheld to force
                                                                                   compliance instead of critical law en-
National President have been in con- event and take the opportunity to meet        forcement assistance. This has been
                                                                                   and is our position on this issue.
tact with President-elect Trump's tran- with their elected officials. The Na-
                                                                                      Our thoughts and prayers continue
sition team and seems to have devel- tional Legislative Office and the Na-         to go out to citizens and FOP members
                                                                                   who have been affected by the floods
oped an excellent working relation- tional Legislative Committee will host         and fires which have occurred recently
                                                                                   in our State. I serve as Chairman of the
ship. We have supported some of his an information session at DC Lodge 1           Disaster Relief Assistance Committee
                                                                                   for the National FOP. We try to help
possible appointees who have been on the 13th to make certain members              members who may have lost their
                                                                                   homes or been displaced by disasters.
supportive of the FOP in the past. We are thoroughly familiar with our is-         Amazingly, I only received one re-
                                                                                   quest for assistance from an FOP
certainly hope that we will continue an sues. Members will then meet with          member in North Carolina after these
                                                                                   terrible events. This application was
excellent working relationship with the their legislators on the 14th and 15th.    approved and funds were sent to help
                                                                                   the member. Please keep all of those
new administration and new appoin- The major changes in our elected offi-          affected by these disasters in your
                                                                                   thoughts and prayers.
tees occupying some positions that are cials this year makes this event even
                                                                                      Again, thank you for allowing me
very important to our members.          more important. State President Randy      to represent you as your National Trus-
                                                                                   tee. If I can ever be of assistance to you
                                        Hagler serves on the National Legisla-     and your lodge please do not hesitate
                                                                                   to contact me.
Several members of the Grand tive Committee and will help to organ-

Lodge Executive Board and FOP fam- ize this event. More information is

ily have suffered some serious family available at the Grand Lodge website.

issues during the last several months.

Chairman of the Trustees, Joe Perkins, Another reminder is that our Lead-

had some serious chest pains and had ership Matters training will be held in

to go to the hospital. It was discovered Nashville February 9-11, 2017. This is

he had 4 arteries 95-                       excellent training for local

100% blocked. He did                        and state lodge leaders of

have bypass surgery                         our organization. Please

but had to return to                        consider sending someone

the hospital for some                       from your lodge to attend

complications. Joe is                       this training and network

at home and is doing                        with other FOP leaders.

well as of this report.                     More details are available

National Vice Presi-                        at the Grand Lodge web-

dent, Joe McDonald                          site.

lost his mother to can-  Dennis Mccrory        The next National
cer during the month      National Trustee  Board of Directors' meet-
of December. Many

of you have seen the                        ing will be held in Peoria,

State President of the Texas FOP, Ken Illinois on March 29-31. At that time,

Starrs, at conferences or other events. I am certain that I will find out more

Ken died on the way to work after his about which candidates will be run-

vehicle was hit by a train at a crossing ning for office at the National Biennial

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