Page 7 - FINAL WEST FOP BlueNote January February 2018
P. 7

Message from the President…                                                               Continued from P. 1

1. Social Security Issues

1. Support the "Social Security Fairness Act"

The FOP strongly supports legislation to restore full Social Security benefits for law enforcement

officers by repealing both the "Windfall Elimination Provision" (WEP) and the "Government

Pension Offset" (GPO).

2. Oppose any legislation that would require the participation of public employees in Social


The FOP vehemently opposes any legislation which would mandate participation in Social Secu-

rity for current or newly hired public employees who participate in their own retirement systems

and do not pay into Social Security.

2. Support the "Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act"

The FOP strongly supports legislation to guarantee the right of public employees to bargain col-

lectively with their employers over hours, wages and conditions of employment. Such legislation

should mandate that State laws provide minimum collective bargaining rights to their public

safety employees while prohibiting strikes and lockouts. States with collective bargaining laws

already on the books would be exempt from the Federal statute. Such legislation is unlikely to be

introduced in this Congress.

3. Support the "State and Local Law Enforcement Discipline, Accountability and Due Process Act"

The FOP strongly supports a "bill of rights" for law enforcement officers to address the need for a

minimum level of procedural protections for law enforcement officers who are denied their due

process rights by police administrators and management in noncriminal proceedings. Such legis-

lation is unlikely to be introduced in this Congress.

4. Support H.R. 964, the "Law Enforcement Officers' Equity Act"

The FOP strongly supports legislation expanding the definition of "law enforcement officer" for

salary and retirement benefits to include all Federal law enforcement officers.

Please stay safe and back each other up, always.

Greetings from the Immediate Past President

                                                                   By Terry Mangum

As we begin a new year, I would like to wish all of my Fraternal Order of Police Brothers and Sisters across

the great State of North Carolina a prosperous and safe 2018. Let us all continue to work to promote and protect of

our most noble profession and the FOP.

I would also like to wish three of my FOP friends and Brothers, Mike Calfee of Lodge 59, Lester Lowe of Lodge

59, and Carl Pope of Lodge 26 a speedy recovery. All three had medical issues during the

Holidays and all are now doing much better.

President Chuck Canterbury and Vice President Jay McDonald completed and an-

nounced the Grand Lodge committee assignments in December. North Carolina is well

represented on these National Committees. Phil Wiggins was reappointed Chaplain, I was

reappointed as Chairman of the Constitution and By-laws Committee, Dennis McCrary

was reappointed as Chairman of the Disaster Relief Committee, and Randy Hagler was

appointed Chairman of the Legislative Committee. Greta Philbeck was reappointed to the

Memorial Committee, Mark Michalec was reappointed to the Urban Policing Committee,

and Bernard Roe was appointed to the Diversity Committee. Congratulations to all.             Terry Mangum

On December 9, I attended the NC State Lodge Executive Board meeting in Cary. All Immediate Past President

of the Executive Board members were present, along with our State Counsel Norris Ad-

ams, and we were able to handle several pressing issues for the State Lodge and our members.

If I may be of assistance to you, or if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact

me. As always, I am here to serve you and our membership.

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