Page 24 - 2021-2022 Clay Co. 4-H Family Guide
P. 24
The 4-H program offers youth many opportunities to learn and apply leadership skills. Service
opportunities exist for members from the club level on through the state level—and even at the
national and international levels. Numerous training and networking activities are available for
members as they mature and seek out increasing amounts of responsibility.
Most Extension districts host a 2-to 4-day leadership retreat where senior 4-H members receive in-
depth training. Dates and costs vary from district to district. Information is mailed to county
Extension offices in the spring of each year. The goal of leadership lab is for participants to take
information that they learn back to their local club or county and teach others.
Junior and Teen Leadership Retreats provide youth a state level leadership development
experience. Workshops are facilitated by Texas 4-H Council and other senior level 4-H youth and
focus on leadership, group dynamics, leading recreation, and more. Additionally, youth experience
service opportunities. The Junior workshop is conducted annually in November, and the Teen
workshop is conducted annually in January. Both are held at the Texas 4-H Conference Center.
Clay County 4-H Family Guide | 24