Page 22 - 2021-2022 Clay Co. 4-H Family Guide
P. 22



                                                                  Livestock judging is a highly competitive
                                                                  experience that enhances independent
                                                                  decision-making abilities while challenging
                                                                  participants to process information quickly
                                                                  and be able to defend a position or decision.
                                                                  Livestock judging is the visual appraisal of
                                                                  an animal’s physical traits, including positive
                                                                  and negative features.

                                                                  MEAT SCIENCE

     In horse judging, you will compete on a
     team as you learn to be the judge of a                       There are several contests throughout the
     horse show! You will learn all the body                      year at almost every major stock show as
     parts of a horse, the ideal characteristics                  well as District and State 4-H events.
     of how a horse moves, determine how to                       Students are given a set of meats that they
     score horses in competition, and explain                     must evaluate and score. After they have
     how you decided on your scores. You will                     made their decision of which cut of meat is
     learn decision-making and public                             the best they will write a set of oral reasons.
     speaking skills. When you get to the                         It is a competitive environment to test their
     senior level of this activity, you could                     knowledge of the subject of meat science.
     compete in national competitions.

     HORSE QUIZ BOWL                                              LIVESTOCK

     Quiz Bowl is an opportunity for
     participants demonstrate all of the
     information gained during the past year                      The Livestock Skill-a-thon contest tests a
     through their project. It will also help                     4-H member’s knowledge and
     them learn more about their project while                    comprehension of animal science and
     getting the opportunity to compete on a                      livestock management practices. The
     state level. It is a team event.  The team                   contest provides an opportunity for youth
     that buzzes in first, gets to answer the                     to gain and develop production
     question. Held at 4-H Roundup each year,                     livestock skills and life skills through a
     competitors must qualify through their                       competitive environment.
     district in order to compete in this event.

                         CLICK THE CONTEST TITL
                         CLICK THE CONTEST TITLE E

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