Page 18 - 2021-2022 Clay Co. 4-H Family Guide
P. 18


                                                                   4-H Roundup provides 4-H members a
                                                                   chance to demonstrate and practice their
                                                                   public speaking skills.  4-H members use
                                                                   the knowledge they gain from their 4-H
                                                                   projects and activities to prepare
                                                                   presentations, which are a valuable
                                                                    educational part of the 4-H program.

                                                                   Educational Presentations are planned
                                                                   presentations, by one or more 4-H
                                                                   members, designed to teach information
       There are a variety of 4-H contests which                   related to a project or activity.  Visual aids
       offer members a chance to showcase their                    including slides, posters, charts, pictures,
       skills.  Many of these contests are offered                 and models may be used in the educational
       at the county, district, and state level.                   presentations.  4-Hers may present
        Below are brief descriptions of some of                    educational presentations    individually or
       the annual contests.   . Please note that                   in teams with up to five members.
       all contest dates, times, and locations are
       subject to change. Notifications of                         In addition to educational presentations,
       changes will be emailed and posted on                       4-H Roundup offers PUBLIC  SPEAKING.
       facebook.                                                   Individuals present a 5 to 7 minute talk
                                                                   suitable for a platform speech or radio
                                                                   broadcast.  Props and visual aids are not
                                                                   permitted and recordings of any type may
                                                                   not be used.
       CONSUMER                                                      Share-the-Fun Skits are other competitions

       DECISION MAKING                                             that are part of 4-H Roundup.  These skits
                                                                   allow 4-H members to discover and fine-
                                                                   tune their acting and showmanship talents.
       Consumer decision making is a team                          There are six divisions within Share-the-
       contest where 4-H members must                              Fun.
       evaluate goods and decide upon the best                        Poetry/Prose
       product for a given scenario.  4-Hers will                     Vocal
       gain knowledge in the area of price,                           Musical-Instrumental
       quality, and product evaluation.                               Solo/Band Performance

                                                                      Choreographed Routines
                                                                      Celebrate 4-H


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