Page 17 - 2021-2022 Clay Co. 4-H Family Guide
P. 17
Each 4-H member is encouraged to keep a record of his or her 4-H work. Records are
not an extra task, but are a part of the 4-H program. Few young people (adults are no
exception) enjoy record keeping. However, it is an important life skill.
Why encourage 4-H members to keep good records?
A 4-H record teaches a desirable habit. Modern day society demands that each and
every one, no matter what vocation, keep track of financial and business matters.
Developing this habit early in life will be a valuable asset.
A 4-H record is a measuring stick. Members and leaders are kept informed of the
member’s progress, and that will usually stimulate self-improvement by the member.
A 4-H record is a mirror. It will reflect accomplishments and therefore serve as the
basis for awards, trips and other recognition.
A 4-H record provides youth with a time for reflection about who they are, what their
goals are, what they have accomplished in the past year, etc.
A 4-H record can be achieved only when there is the proper attitude and cooperation
between member, parents, and leaders.
4-Hers learn:
to communicate in writing.
to organize thoughts.
to set goals and work toward these goals.
to make short and long term plans.
to evaluate a record of growth from year to year.
to recognize skills learned, goals accomplished, and successes they’ve had.
Record Books are due mid-June, of each year, and are REQUIRED TO APPLY FOR
Information required to complete a record book is available at the Clay County
Extension Office, or you may click here for the Texas 4-H Record Book Link.
Clay County 4-H Family Guide | 17