Page 93 - PWS Words 2021
P. 93

We are All the Same   Trees give this Earth greenery,
        Come on now, let’s not destroy that scenery.
 We are all the same   These animals give some more beauty to this wonderful Earth.
 We live in the same world.   These animals think that us humans are dangerous,
 Where our beauty is not visible,   Let’s show them that we’re generous.
 To the world.
 A world where both girls and boys   Raihaan Jose Praveen
 Are valued the same.   MYP-2
 We’re born under the same sky
 With a different face of the moon
 And stars in the sky.   Power of Words
 It’s not our appearance or gender that
 Makes us different.   Words can make one happy,
 What makes us different  Words can bend one’s mind,
 Is our heart and our soul.   Words can make one grumpy,
         words can make one kind,
 Shruti Maurya  Words can make one weep,
 MYP-2   Words can hurt so much,
        words can make one cry,
        words can make one scream with joy,
 The Birds in The Rain  words can make a family join,
        Words can make a family brake.
 Poachers, please don’t shoot animals to get fame
 All you will get is shame.  Dwyane Dunne
 Killing animals will not get your name anywhere high.  MYP-2
 Let those birds just fly.
 Don’t cut the trees too
 The birds will flee
 And so will the bees.
 WORDS  2020 -21  And their babies will crawl.               WORDS  2020 -21
 Their nests will fall
 The trees provide us oxygen which we breathe…
 Now unless we don’t have our oxygen masks in our pockets, we’ll
 suffocate to death,
 Let’s not cut trees to get our final breath.

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