Page 94 - PWS Words 2021
P. 94

Respect All                                                    A Dream That Can Become A Reality

        We all should be one                                           Behind that indecisive, charming and leg crossed body hides an
        And we are one                                                 opinionated, fierce, and trapped soul,
        And we will be one                                             It is easy for modern men to say stand up for yourself,
                                                                       but little do they know in a society where patriarchy is pursued,
        Be together with everyone and respect                          fear haunts a women’s courage like a blackhole.
        If we are not, we should eject                                 All the shouting and screaming possessing me,
                                                                       I just want to be free.
        All are one, all are the same                                  I always fantasize a world where decisions people make are not
        If we work together, we go to the next update                  dependent on one’s gender, there will be no reason to shed a tear.
                                                                       I am tired of hearing “you should learn how to cook”,
        Don’t think of anyone ass rich                                 Sometimes I just want to tell them “maybe you should learn how
        Don’t think anyone poor                                        to read a book”.
        Because once, all had the same amount                          It disgusts me when people say, “don’t cry like a girl”,
                                                                       feel like reminding them “You wouldn’t exist if females didn’t
        If we find anyone in need                                      give birth”.
        Give him what you can                                          Why am I judged so much for being a part of the LGBTQ com-
        If you come to that stage                                      munity, What crime did I do?
        You will get twice as much as you gave.                        Imagine living in a body that isn’t you,
                                                                       I am sure god cares more about my happiness then spreading all
        Tarak Soni                                                     this hatred,I know he started this but we shall finish it.
        MYP-2                                                          We are all different from each other,
                                                                       but that does not stop us from uniting together.
                                                                       No one is meant to fit in,
                                                                       we all are, are own person.
                                                                       So together let’s ensure diverse forces combine to form the unde-
                                                                       Learn to respect everyone and give them equal status just so
     WORDS  2020 -21                                                   and hopes.                                          WORDS  2020 -21
                                                                       tomorrow is a better day for everyone who has dreams, aspirations

                                                                       Prachi Jain
                                                                       MYP -2

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