Page 66 - PWS Words 2021
P. 66

Grow more trees make Mother Earth green,                       Our enemies, they torture us,
        Reduce pollution and make her a Queen.                         At that moment. We wish that we were on a school bus.
        Arnav Mangla                                                   They keep us in the dark refugee camps with no food,
        MYP -1                                                         But they don’t help in lightening the mood.
        Learning for All                                               They are our enemies,
                                                                       As we are the refuges.
        The world needs Quality Education,
        In every location.                                             Naman Kapoor
                                                                       MYP -1
        The children need to go to schools,
        Or all of them will become fools.                              Life on Land

        It is time to learn,                                           Life on land is animals and trees,
        Or else your brain will burn.                                  It is very important like the pollination of bees.
                                                                       Sadly, its being hurt and killed,
        Now is the age to study,                                       But there is something we can fill.
        My buddy.
                                                                       We could save animals treat them nicely and more,
        The world needs Quality Education.                             Or maybe we could plant some more.
                                                                       Life On land is extremely important,
        Eashan Mehra                                                   Also, because we are a part of it.
        MYP -1
                                                                       Life on land is really important,
        Refugee                                                        And maybe because we all need it.
                                                                       Life on land is animals and trees,
        We humans are treated like slaves,                             It is very important like the pollination of bees.
        Then dropped down like small waves.
     WORDS  2020 -21  Without food and water, we cannot sustain,       But there is something we can fill.                 WORDS  2020 -21
                                                                       Sadly, it is being hurt and killed,
        We are the people they kill in vain.
                                                                       Aniket Ram Tripathi
                                                                       MYP -1
        Where there is no family, we cannot exist,
        If you start writing names, there will be a long list on your wrist.

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