Page 69 - PWS Words 2021
P. 69
Life on Land Zero Hunger
Life on land, is not made by hand, Zero hunger for all,
It is something naturally made. Imagine a world where everyone is healthy and tall.
Took years and years to be founded, Now imagine to be one of those kids who is always starving,
Destroyed once and will be destroyed. A place where no people are giving but they are taking.
Life on land is beauty,
To protect it is our duty. With everything we have,
When we stray from this path, This world should be united.
The day we see might be our last. But the people who take and not give will always take it back,
A world with zero hunger is just a step but it is a large one till yet.
Save Life on Land!!
Kaustab Aseem Mehta
Krishiv Lal Das MYP -1
MYP -1
Sustainable Cities and Communities The World of SDGs
Enough, for all, forever, SDGs, a set of goals,
Four words that heal our earth. SDGs, that point out holes.
The simple truth of future life, SDGs, that we need to remember,
The hope that leads to birth. To, in the world, be a member.
SDGs, we need to complete,
Enough, for all, together, To make our world sustainable.
The humans, animal and trees. SDGs will keep the world habitable.
That all of us can live as one, The 17 goals are extremely significant,
That is how sustainable cities and communities. They will make our world magnificent.
WORDS 2020 -21 Be green, be loving, be good, MYP -1 WORDS 2020 -21
Advik Verma
I made a list, of the ways I try to,
Enough, for all, forever and together.
Aparna Kumar
MYP -1
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