Page 48 - EducationWorld January 2023
P. 48

Cover Story

         universities by the authoritative QS                              tions is much too few. India has a
         and THE (as also the well-respected                               GER (gross enrolment ratio) of only
         Shanghai Jiao Tong) league tables                                 26 percent in higher education against
         rating and ranking the world’s best                               60 percent in the US and European
         1,500-plus universities, is Indian ex-                            countries, and 85 percent in South
         ceptionalism.                                                     Korea. This means that only one of
           The QS and  THE evaluation pa-                                  four youth in the 18-24 age group
         rameters don’t accord any weightage                               is in higher education. Against this
         to access and inclusion which is a pri-                           backdrop, it’s a very positive develop-
         ority of Indian universities. Moreover                            ment  that  large  numbers  of  private
         they give too much weightage to re-                               universities are mushrooming across
         search, whereas Indian universities                               the country. However most of them
         primarily tend to be teaching institu-                            are in the liberal arts and humanities
         tions because under the indigenous                                space whereas the pressing demand
         higher education system, high re-                                 is for science, technology and medi-
         search falls within the purview of the                            cal education. Against the 1.5 million
         Central government-funded Council                                 school-leavers who write the IIT-JEE
         of Scientific and Industrial Research   Thakkar: positive development  exam, a mere 30,000 toppers are ad-
         (CSIR, estb.1942). Unfortunately the                              mitted by the country’s 23 IITs, and
         breakthrough research record of the   derless by multiplicity of objectives.   NITs. Therefore tens of thousands of
         politics infested Soviet-inspired CSIR   The prime objective of the university   aspirational school-leavers with good
         which has established 37 labs across   — to pursue academic excellence and   board exam results are forced to ap-
         the country, is even worse than of In-  generate new knowledge through seri-  ply to foreign universities. Moreover,
         dia’s globally low-ranked universities.   ous research — has become obscured.   most foreign universities offer the ad-
         D         ISMAL QUALITY HIGHER   provider of well-remunerated sine-  work in their host countries for a few
                                          Instead, the academy has become a
                                                                           vantage of graduates being allowed to
                                                                           years. This enables students to pay
                   Education  dispensed by
                                          cures for left and left-liberal ideo-
                   the overwhelming major-
                   ity of India’s universities   logues who have given ‘inclusion’ and   off  a  substantial  part  of  their  loans
                                          ‘equity’, rather than academic excel-
                                                                           or accumulate savings. That’s why
         — only 10 percent of the country’s   lence, highest priority.     the accelerating outflow of students
         1,072 universities ranked in the annu-  Thus over the years, reservation of   from India,” says  Atul Thakkar,
         al EW India Higher Education Rank-  15 percent and 7.5 percent admission   the Mumbai-based vice president of
         ings provide globally benchmarked   quotas for students (and often faculty)   Anand Rathi Ltd and head of the com-
         study programmes — explains why   from historically deprived scheduled   pany’s substantial education advisory
         the number of Indian students enroll-  castes and tribes, have been gradually   practice.
         ing not only with American, British,   increased by reserving 27 percent for   Decades of under-investment in
         Australian, Canadian, but also with   OBCs (other backward castes/classes)   education — despite the high-powered
         higher ed  institutions in non-English   and latterly another 10 percent for   Kothari Commission recommend-
         speaking countries, has risen to record   EWS (economically weaker sections)   ing a minimum of 6 percent of GDP
         numbers, despite foreign universities   in the general category.   in 1967, the annual outlay for public
         continuously raising tuition, residen-  Therefore with almost 60 percent   education  (Centre  plus  states)  has
         tial and other fees. In November, the   of students admitted under criteria   averaged 3.5 percent — and packing
         number of Indian students admitted   other than merit, the prime purpose   higher education institutions (HEIs)
         into British universities at 127,731 was   of universities  — pursuit of higher   with non-merit students and faculty
         the largest foreign cohort, surpassing   education excellence — has been lost.   to attain social justice objectives, has
         the number from China for the first   Hence the continuous — and acceler-  diluted the quality of education in the
         time. Likewise over 199,462 Indian   ating — exodus of students to institu-  country’s once hallowed universities.
         students were admitted in US univer-  tions of education abroad.    This sin has been compounded by
         sities, with the unnerving prospect of   “The major infirmity of higher edu-  universal over-subsidisation of higher
         the majority never returning.    cation in India is continuous under-  education. Tuition fees in the country’s
           With addle-headed  leftists  hav-  investment in public education and   public HEIs have remained frozen for
         ing dominated — and continuing to   discouragement  of  private  invest-  decades  and  contribute  5-6  percent
         dominate — the academy and higher   ment in higher education. Relative to   of  institutional  revenue  against  the
         education since independence, India’s   our 1.4 billion population, the number   global average of 20 percent. More-
         universities have been rendered rud-  of higher ed and professional institu-  over, fee subsidies in public HEIs are

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