Page 51 - EducationWorld January 2023
P. 51

the Delhi-based Jamboree Education                                trywide — issued a guideline permit-
         Pvt. Ltd (estb.1993), one of the coun-                            ting well-reputed, high-performing
         try’s largest test prep companies for                             colleges granted academic autonomy
         foreign universities, identifies too-few                          (by UGC) to introduce new employ-
         globally comparable domestic HEIs,                                ment-oriented study programmes
         for which admission competition is                                with substantial freedom to prescribe
         too intense and conducive conditions                              syllabuses, design curriculums, recruit
         in the academy and liberalisation of                              faculty and levy market-determined
         post-graduation work rules in West-                               tuition fees.
         ern countries as the prime attractions                              This liberalisation firman of UGC
         of study abroad. An alumnus of IIT-                               is a divinely inspired initiative which
         Delhi, Gupta is highly knowledgeable                              has the potential to transform over
         about the higher education scenario                               1,000 autonomous colleges affiliated
         in India and abroad. Jamboree Edu-                                with state government universities,
         cation trains 20,000 students per                                 says  Balkishan Sharma, a Mumbai-
         year for admission into universities                              based visionary education consultant
         abroad.                                                           who has pioneered introduction of
         “       WITHIN INDIA’S FAST-     Sharma: divinely inspired initiative  degree programmes in a rising num-
                                                                           contemporary, employment-oriented
                 expanding middle class,
                                                                           ber of autonomous undergraduate col-
                 high-quality education is
                                          tion entrepreneurs (edupreneurs) and
                                                                             “For several decades, undergrad
                 a common aspiration. And   of intelligent lawyers, private educa-  leges countrywide.
         the plain truth is that acceptable   state governments discovered that ed-  colleges affiliated with state universi-
         quality education is a big issue with   ucation is a ‘concurrent’ subject under   ties have been offering generalist arts,
         India’s HEIs and universities. Only a   the Constitution, i.e, the Central and   science, commerce and engineering
         few dozen offer globally benchmarked   state governments can enact educa-  programmes, which, although they
         education for 160 million children and   tion legislation. With states confront-  provide students basic knowledge of
         youth in the 10-19 age group. Against   ed with a ballooning problem of youth   literature, the humanities, science and
         this backdrop, the emergence of a   unemployment, beginning to compete   engineering, don’t ready them for em-
         substantial  number  of  private  uni-  furiously to attract investment in in-  ployment. After UGC issued the new
         versities has prevented a crisis in In-  dustry and business, especially in the   liberalisation guidelines to autono-
         dian higher education. The best new   new  age  ICT  (information  commu-  mous colleges five years ago, several
         millennium private universities offer   nication technologies) sector, ready   autonomous colleges have introduced
         globally comparable faculty, study   availability of well-educated human   well-designed degree programmes
         programmes and infrastructure, and   resources has become a necessary   such as BBA (bachelor of business ad-
         have completely transformed India’s   precondition.               ministration) which offer marketing,
         higher education landscape. We need   With poorly educated graduates of   sports and events management and
         at least 200 more of them,” says Gup-  colleges affiliated with over 460 state   entrepreneurship as majors. In the
         ta, an early co-promoter of the highly   government universities increasingly   science stream, they offer integrative
         ranked liberal arts Ashoka University,   being rejected by industry, in 2017,   nutrition and dietetics and in engi-
         Sonipat (estb.2014) and science and   under pressure from state govern-  neering, majors in AI (artificial intelli-
         technology focused Plaksha Univer-  ments the Delhi-based UGC (Uni-  gence) and data science. These degree
         sity, Mohali (2021).             versity Grants Commission) — the   programmes designed by experienced
           Even if somewhat  belatedly, ac-  apex administrative body supervising   academics working in close collabo-
         celerating winds of change are blow-  non-technical higher education coun-  ration with industry leaders, prepare
         ing over post-independence India’s                                employment-ready graduates who are
         higher education  sector ruined by   Decades of under-            quickly snapped up by industry. Now
         continuous control-and-command                                    with the new National Education Poli-
         exercised by the omniscient neta-babu   investment and over-      cy (NEP) 2020 committed to granting
         brotherhood comprising ill-educated   subsidisation has diluted   autonomy to all undergrad colleges in
         politicians and IAS generalists who                               a phased manner, they will be able to
         insist on supervising and monitoring   the quality of education   introduce jobs-oriented study pro-
         even highest qualified academics and   in the country’s once      grammes and compete with private
         educationists. Fortuitously in the new   hallowed universities    universities. This is a very welcome
         millennium, a latter-day triumvirate                              development,” says Sharma, a highly

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