Page 59 - EducationWorld January 2023
P. 59

cation is unprecedented and unique
         in India. After a wide and strong two
         years common foundational pro-
         gramme, our students can study two
         majors and two minors in disciplines
         of their choice. Thus a student can
         graduate with a BBA (bachelor of busi-
         ness administration) degree combin-
         ing widely disparate subjects such as
         business, AI, music and data science.
         Similarly a B.Tech student can com-
         bine AI, design, music and business.
         Our objective is to allow students total
         freedom to study subjects that interest
         them, so that they have an enjoyable
         and fulfilling higher education expe-
         rience. By investing learners with the
         power of choice we have transferred
         authority from the university to stu-
         dents,” says Dr. Atish Chattopad-  Amity University, Greater Noida students: pervasive bullish sentiment
         hyay,  founding  vice  chancellor  of
         Vijaybhoomi U.                   the world, continue to dominate the   — the apex HECI (Higher Education
           A business management gradu-   Indian academy,  India’s  new  genre   Commission of India) and four ver-
         ate of Aligarh Muslim University and   private universities are here to stay   ticals, viz, NHERC (National Higher
         Indian Institute of Social Welfare &   offering the exciting prospect of nur-  Education Regulation Council); NAC
         Management, Kolkata, Chattopad-  turing the world’s largest and enthu-  (National Accreditation Council);
         hyay has a wealth of experience in in-  siastic youth into a high productivity   HEGC (Higher Education Grants
         dustry (Oberoi Hotels, Bakery Chain   workforce.                  Council), and GEC (General Educa-
         Kolkata), and B-schools (ICFAI, S.P.   Yet even as the bullish sentiment   tion Council) to ensure “light but
         Jain, MICA, IMT, Ghaziabad and   is pervasive in India’s 42,000 junior   tight” regulation of higher education
         IFIM/JAGSOM).                    and undergrad colleges and 1,072 uni-  institutions countrywide.
         Q          UITE CLEARLY, THE pro-  the rapid success of the country’s new   promises substantial institutional
                                                                             On the other hand, NEP 2020
                                          versities and sundry HEIs buoyed by
                                          millennium private universities which
                    liferation of new genre
                                                                           autonomy by phasing out the col-
                    private universities in
                                                                           conversion of undergrad colleges into
                    the new millennium has   have emerged as globally competitive   leges  affiliation  system  and  gradual
                                          institutions of higher learning, it’s
         catalysed a sea change in India’s edu-  pertinent to bear in mind that at the   autonomous universities with degrees
         cation landscape dominated by less   heart of NEP 2020 which is being ac-  awarding power. Simultaneously, the
         than 100 Central universities, IITs,   claimed as the magna carta — charter   charter makes the right noises about
         IIMs providing acceptable quality   of liberty — of higher education, there   awarding high-performance private
         education to a small minority of privi-  is a dangerous contradiction.   and public universities and HEIs wide
         leged students, and 460 state govern-  Although proclaimed in trendy,   latitude in signing foreign collabora-
         ment universities routinely certifying   liberal lingo, NEP 2020 mandates   tion and student and faculty exchange
         millions of under-prepared, and large-  establishment of four government-  programmes, and determining admis-
         ly unemployable graduates.       promoted supervisory organisations   sion and tuition and other fees.
           Suddenly the higher education                                     Therefore the question arises: if
         scene has come alive with a spate of   It’s pertinent to bear in   provision of education is indeed de-
         shiny new and well-equipped liberal                               volved upon educators, what purpose
         arts, science and technology and busi-  mind that at the heart    will the elaborate supervisory super-
         ness management HEIs offering glob-  of NEP 2020, acclaimed       structure  serve?  The  answer  to  this
         ally benchmarked degree and post-                                 question will determine whether the
         grad study programmes and research   as the magna carta of        promising sea change in higher edu-
         facilities. Although disparaged by Left   higher education, there’s a   cation catalysed by India’s new genre
         ideologues and academics who despite   dangerous contradiction    private universities will prove to be
         the collapse of communism around                                  real or illusory.

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