Page 63 - EducationWorld January 2023
P. 63

Plaeto co-founder Ravi Kallayil

         research and development effort
         they invested in designing shoes
         suited for Indian feet. And when I
         used it myself I was convinced of
         its quality,” says Dravid who recalls
         that “finding comfortable footwear
         in India was a challenge from child-
         hood”. In his early cricket career, he
         would request senior players who
         travelled abroad frequently to bring
         back branded athletic shoes for him.
         Even for his children, he found that
         school shoes lacked in comfort, fit   child”. This was the motivation to   ity in the global footwear industry.
         and design.                      design and develop “the world’s first   Plaeto shoes have a 50 percent lower
                s Plaeto’s brand ambas-   Multiplay school shoe” that enables   carbon footprint as compared to the
                sador and mentor of its PE   Indian school children to play joy-  average athletic shoe,” adds Kallayil.
         ATeacher program, Dravid         fully while boosting foot health.   Beyond its Plaeto footwear prod-
         supports the company’s mission “to   “Our footwear accommodates   ucts range, the company is invest-
         provide Indian children with world-  broader Indian feet and with Tilt   ing time and resources in spreading
         class shoes at an affordable price”.   Lacing, allows optimal flexibility   awareness among the parents and
         He believes that by bringing foot   for children as it follows the natural   educators’ communities about the
         health and well-being to mainstream   bend of the foot. Also Plaeto 365, the   importance of play. Though physi-
         discourse, the company is shining a   shoe’s long lasting cushioning sys-  cal education is an integral part of
         strong beam of light on the impor-  tem, allows children to play comfort-  the curriculum of every school in
         tance of ‘play’ in children’s lives   ably on any surface through the day.   India, it is not given the priority it
         (see full interview next page).  We add maximum value by providing   deserves nor is it delivered profes-
           The USP of Plaeto shoes is that   quality that matches athletic footwear   sionally. Most children dread joyless
         they have been specially designed   of global brands like Nike, Adidas,   PE classes conducted by inadequately
         to suit the unique features of Indian   Puma etc at a more reasonable price,”   trained sports teachers. School sports
         feet after extensive research and   says Kallayil. Plaeto shoes are priced   curriculums are outdated, age-inap-
         development. In early 2020, the   between Rs.1,800-2,500.         propriate and non-inclusive.
         company conducted the Plaeto       Plaeto is very conscious that our   Through its Pioneers PE Teacher
         Foot Morphology Research study   children will inherit the planet we   program, Plaeto intends to train PE
         covering 500 school children which   leave behind and to this end, the   teachers to implement programmes
         revealed that children walk and run   brand has kept sustainability as one   that will enhance opportunities for
         over 2,500 km in an academic year   of its key pillars. Therefore, Plaeto   children to play and grow holisti-
         wearing the same school shoes,   footwear is made with sustainable   cally. It is also working on providing
         making footwear “the single most   materials. “We are one of the first   specialist coaching programmes for
         used product in the life of an Indian   companies to commit to sustainabil-  gifted children who want to pursue

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