Page 68 - EducationWorld January 2023
P. 68


         ber (2022).                                                       Moreover for the AFS Network Meet-
         History. Badgel, who also has                                     ing in October we have invited the
         a degree in design from Pearl                                     director of AFS International USA
         Academy, started her career in                                    and partner directors from around
         1999 as a teacher at the National                                 the world plus other eminent educa-
         Institute of Fashion Design                                       tors,” says Badgel.
         (NIFD), Lucknow and quickly                                         A welcome peace and understand-
         rose to the position of head of                                   ing initiative in an increasingly frac-
         department. In 2001, she moved                                    tious and divided world.
         to the UK and served as an                                                        Autar Nehru (Delhi)
         administrator in the Metropoli-
         tan Borough Council. Two years                                    USC-AVSE Dean
         later, she relocated to India and
         started teaching at Sweet Blos-
         soms, Lucknow, a pre-primary                                               ith American disenchant-
         started by her family. This was                                            ment with communist
         followed by stints as principal                                   WChina growing by the day,
         of City International School,   Badgel: peace & harmony networks  America’s top-ranked universities
         founder-principal of MySchool                                     are increasingly looking towards
         and Birla Open Minds International   the period of their stay. In India, AFS   India — which currently hosts the
         School — all in Lucknow. Over the   has 150 member schools. Though es-  world’s largest child and youth popu-
         past two decades, prior to her ap-  sentially an inter-country exchange   lation — for students and academic
         pointment at AFS India, Badgel also   programme, post-pandemic, AFS is   collaboration partnerships. Suddenly
         served as director of the Seth Anan-  focusing on promoting intra-country   American academics have discovered
         dram Jaipuria School, Alambagh,   (domestic) student habitat exchange.   that the English language skills of In-
         Lucknow.                         Recently a ‘stay and study’ inter-  dian students and relative autonomy
         AFS Intercultural Programs. AFS   school exchange programme was   of India’s higher education institu-
         was started in 1915 by Prof. A. Piatt   organised between Lawrence School,   tions offer a far better opportunity
         Andrew, a professor of economics at   Ooty and Scindia School, Gwalior.  for student recruitment and research
         Harvard University and erstwhile as-  Direct talk. “Our exchange pro-  collaboration than China.
         sistant secretary at the US treasury.   grammes are aligned with our prime   This new American discovery of
         Since then over the past century,   mission to promote global peace and   India has been experienced by DR.
         AFS has established AFS Intercul-  harmony by building friendship net-  YANNIS YORTSOS, Dean of the An-
         tural Programs, an international   works through intercultural learning   drew Viterbi School of Engineering
         youth exchange initiative to promote   and bonding. Intercultural exchange   (AVSE), the engineering school of
         intercultural intelligence and toler-  programmes between schools and
         ance. In 2022, 5,678 high school   students is a beautiful way to bring   Yortos: engagement offer
         students, young adults and teachers   them closer. India is a vast country
         in 55 countries exchanged habitats   with amazing cultural diversity.
         under AFS programmes.            Therefore we have also introduced
            The organisational model is ‘stay   exchanges between school teachers
         and study’, under which groups of   and students of different states of the
         students and teachers ‘exchange’   Indian Union. Now that the world
         countries to live in the homes of AFS   is gradually opening up after two
         selected host families and/or host   pandemic years, I am also expect-
         education institutions. The duration   ing AFS’ inter-country exchanges to
         of exchange programmes range from   gather momentum,” says Badgel.
         one week to a year. During their stay   Future plans. AFS India has drawn
         with host families/schools, students   up a master plan to actively work
         are ‘guided’ by AFS volunteers to ex-  with schools in India to prepare for
         perience host cultures and lifestyle.   its first ever Annual AFS Network
            AFS programmes are unique inas-  Meeting in New Delhi later this year.
         much as exchange students actually   “We plan to promote student and
         acquaint themselves with local cur-  teacher exchanges between India’s
         riculums in the host school during   28 states and eight Union territories.

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