Page 65 - EducationWorld January 2023
P. 65

“To become a top sporting nation, we need to first become a physically active nation”

         children with world-class shoes at
         affordable price. By bringing foot
         health and well-being to the main-
         stream discourse, Plaeto is shining
         a light on the importance of play in
         children’s lives.

         Any Plaeto programmes close to
         your heart?
         The Plaeto Pioneers PE Teachers
         program is very close to my heart        Mansoor Ali Khan                 Deepa Shridhar
         because I strongly believe in treating
         play as an integral part of school life.   sport professionally and exploring   Deepa Shridhar, director,
         India’s youth can learn as much from   collaborations and partnerships with   academics of the Kumaran Group of
         play as they can from their regular   sports training academies such as the   Schools, Bengaluru concurs. “We had
         subject study. Something that has   Anju Bobby George Academy and   our children wear Plaeto shoes for a
         always resonated very strongly with   Padukone-Dravid Centre for Sports   few weeks before deciding to sign up.
         me is building confidence and char-  Excellence.                  Since sports and physical education
         acter through play and sports. The   The two-year-old company has   is a priority for us, it was a good deci-
         medium, when used correctly, can be   built up an impressive clients list.   sion to opt for Plaeto’s multipurpose
         one of the most significant teachers in   Over 30 primary-secondaries across   shoes which children can wear both
         your life.                       the country have signed up with   in the class and on the playground. I
           Currently PE teachers aren’t   Plaeto to cover the footwear needs   was also impressed that their packag-
         trained with the required skill sets or   of 40,000 children. Among them:   ing was in hand-stitched cloth bags
         given the right training to enhance   Bangalore International School, Ku-  instead of cardboard boxes, which
         a child’s growth, but given proper   maran’s School, Gear International,   aligns with the concept of sustainabil-
         opportunity, they can be the key to   Delhi Public School (DPS), Banga-  ity our schools practice. Moreover the
         enriching their students’ lives with   lore, National Public School Group –   product is athletic, and its off-cen-
         play and joy. I believe this program   all in Bengaluru, GD Somani School,   tered lacing system is excellent. Their
         will make a difference and build an   Mumbai, Atmiya School, Surat, and   ‘Made in India’ tag also helped us in
         environment for India’s children to   Oasis School and Selaqui School –   our decision-making.”
         flourish.                        both in Dehradun.                  With Plaeto having quickly built
                                            Comments Mansoor Ali Khan,     a good reputation for its specially
         What is the objective of the Padu-  member, board of management, DPS   designed range of athletic footwear,
         kone-Dravid Centre for Sports    Bangalore and Mysore: “I strongly   Kallayil is optimistic about the
         Excellence? And how satisfied are   believe that school children should be   future. “By 2026, we will cover the
         you with its progress?           physically active and play sports and   footwear needs of 3 million school
         The centre was created to provide   games. Therefore, I have invested   going children in India. We are also
         athletes world-class facilities to en-  heavily in providing enabling sports   encouraged by the overwhelmingly
         able them to compete at all levels. In   infrastructure at all DPS Bangalore   positive response to our launch in the
         its fifth year of operation, the centre   campuses. Plaeto’s product and   UAE. Simultaneously we are com-
         gives me a lot of joy to see how far   philosophy resonated strongly with   mitted to spreading awareness about
         we have come in promoting sports.   me – I loved that their shoes are sci-  foot health and the critical importance
         It has not only produced some of the   entifically designed for Indian school   of play in the lives of children,” says
         finest athletes competing at the in-  children, for multiple sports, and   Kallayil who adds that through its
         ternational level but has also catered   made in India. We have also signed   range of sports footwear products and
         to the development of sport at the   up for Plaeto’s Pioneers PE program   programmes, Plaeto hopes to enhance
         grassroots level. We hope to continue   with Rahul Dravid where physical   children’s opportunities and abilities
         the momentum of promoting sport at   education teachers are trained to   to play and grow holistically.
         all levels.                      mentor and develop students’ sports   To know more about Plaeto visit:
                                          and fitness levels.”   

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