Page 67 - EducationWorld January 2023
P. 67
a global superpower. I am certain develop great leaders for Indian soci-
that with the active cooperation of ety in all walks of life,” says Leale.
our partner Live Life Education, Future plans. According to Leale, all
LiM school numbers in India will government and official clearances
grow exponentially over the next two for establishing HISB “modeled
years,” he says. on Harrow School in the UK” have
Wind in your sails! been obtained, and construction of
Summiya Yasmeen (Bengaluru) its main block is in “full swing and
moving quickly forward”. In keeping
Harrow India with tradition, the school will offer
excellent field sports, racquet games
headmaster and athletics infrastructure and 20
highly experienced teachers, includ-
ing some drawn from ten Harrow
itherto principal of the International Schools abroad (Japan,
Chaoyang Kaiwen Academy, Thailand, China, among other coun-
HBeijing (China), ANDREW tries). “Harrow School is UK’s most
LEALE is founding-headmaster of Leale: history & cultural connect international independent school.
the Harrow International School, Therefore, HISB will offer students
Bengaluru (HISB) which is under respected Charterhouse Public and teachers a plethora of study and
construction on a 30-acre campus in School, UK, and blue-chip Oxford work abroad opportunities,” says
Devanahalli, a suburb of the garden University from where he graduated Leale.
city (pop.10 million). HISB is the with a PPE (philosophy, politics and Stiff competition is on the cards
outcome of a collaboration agree- economics) degree, Leale plunged for the garden city’s several excel-
ment between two heavyweights straight into academia and began his lent international day-cum-boarding
— the Delhi-based Amity Education career as an economics teacher at schools including Indus Internation-
Group comprising 11 universities, the vintage boys day-cum-boarding al, TISB and Stonehill International.
25 K-12 schools and five preschools independent (public) Tonbridge But HNW (high net worth) parents
in India, and 16 campuses abroad School (estb.1553), where he played who prefer to invest in their chil-
(and whose flagship Amity Univer- a long innings (1993-2019) rising to dren’s education rather than silver
sity, Noida is ranked India #1 in the position of boarding housemaster and gold, will be spoilt for choice.
the EducationWorld India Higher and director of admissions. Dilip Thakore (Bengaluru)
Education Rankings 2022-23) and In 2019 after serving at Ton-
Harrow School (estb.1572), one of bridge for 26 years, following a New AFS India
imperial Great Britain’s most vener- global search, Leale was selected and
ated public (i.e, private, exclusive) appointed international principal
schools. Alumni include our own of the privately-promoted Chaoy- director
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Winston ang Kaiwen Academy, Beijing. “I
Churchill and six other British prime had a very satisfying and enriching elhi-based DIYA BADGEL is
ministers as also poet Lord Byron experience as international principal the new India director of the
among other notables of imperial during my three-year stint there. But DAFS Intercultural Programs.
Great Britain’s establishment and when I was offered the opportunity Promoted in 1915 as the American
history. to start HISB in India with which I Field Service (AFS), currently AFS is
Newspeg. HISB is fast readying to have a stronger history and cultural a US-based non-profit organisation
admit its first batch of 150 class VI- connection, I was delighted to accept providing multinational exchange
XI students in August 2023. More- the offer,” says Leale. programmes for children and young
over unlike its parent school in the Direct talk. “We intend to build super adults to develop the knowledge,
UK, HISB will be a co-ed boarding- curriculums that will go far beyond skills and understanding required
cum-day school — “not the other the prescribed syllabus. Moreover to create a more just and peaceful
way round” — with the number of Harrow School, UK has a centuries- global order.
boarders budgeted to outnumber day long tradition of nurturing outstand- Newspeg. An alumna of the top-
scholars. Annual tuition fee: Rs.16 ing political and business leaders ranked Lady Sri Ram College for
lakh and additional Rs.4 lakh for and public intellectuals. Building on Women, Delhi, Amity (Noida) and
boarders. this great legacy and tradition, I am Lucknow universities, Badgel as-
History. An alumnus of the highly confident that HISB will nurture and sumed charge at AFS India in Octo-