Page 14 - Education World November 2022
P. 14


                                              portant to understand that delayed   son for its sudden exclusion? Kindly
                                              feedback serves no purpose at all.   shed some light.
                                                              R amesh S ivanna                  Madhuk ar R ao
                                                                     CHENNAI                       HYDERABAD

                                                                               Rishi Valley School has been moved
                                              Erroneous classification          to the new  category  of V intage Leg-
                                              I wish to bring to your notice in Part   acy co-ed boarding schools where it
                                              II (EW October) of the latest EWISR   is rank ed I ndia # 1 . Please see pg.5 8
                                              2022-23, Sree Vidyanikethan Inter-  (E W October)  — Editor
                                              national School, Tirupati is ranked
                                              #3 in Andhra Pradesh in the co-ed
                                              boarding schools category.       Old schools wiped out!
                                                Please note that ours is a co-ed   WE HAVE BEEN taken out of your
                                              day-cum-boarding school. Kindly   boarding schools league tables alto-
                                              reclassify us in future.         gether. When our parents studied the
                      OCTOBER 2022                                R aj esh Patil  boys boarding schools league table,
                                                    Principal, Sree Vidyanikethan   Bishop Cotton School, Shimla was
                                                    International School, TIRUPATI   conspicuously missing. It has been
                                                                               moved to your new Vintage Legacy
             Evolving parameters                                               category which no parent is likely to
             MY HEARTIEST congratulations     Nomenclature confusion           search.
             to EducationWorld for the compre-  I DRAW YOUR attention to the EW   I believe this is a ploy to wipe out
             hensive EW India School Rankings   India School Rankings 2022-23 Part   old schools. There is no reference
             2022-23 Part I and Part II (EW   I (EW September). In the co-ed day   at all to our school in the board-
             September and October) issues.   schools category, in Tapi district   ing schools or any type of category
                As a committed reader of EW   you have ranked Singhania Public   alongside. How is this fair?
             — especially the school rankings   School, Fort Songadh #2 and Delhi   Moreover, our aggregate score is
             surveys — I am impressed with    Public School #1. According to our   higher than of The Doon School, yet
             your evolving parameters of school   information there is no Delhi Public   we have ended up in a distant cat-
             education excellence over the years.   School in the Tapi district of Gujarat.  egory nobody is likely to care about.
             Another welcome inclusion is the   For your information Singhania   Please put us back on the map!
             Vintage Legacy Schools league tables   Public School, Fort Songadh has              Rebecca Weale
             in eight sub-categories. They are   been continuously ranked #1 in Tapi   Bishop Cotton School, SHIMLA
             indeed a class apart.            in your surveys from 2017-2021.
                               P. Chow dhary    Please rectify the information pub-  League tables listing Vintage Legacy
                                    KOLKATA   lished on your website.          schools are prominently  display ed
                                                       Dr. N avin K umar S harma  on our website as well as published
                                                      Principal, Singhania Public   in the magazine. Moreover, the
             Timely feedback need              School, Fort Songadh, TAPI DISTRICT  aggregate score aw arded to BCS ,
             I FULLY AGREE with Tara Quigley’s                                 S himla is out of a total of 1 ,6 0 0
             views on the ‘Importance of provid-  S orry . There is a DPS , Tapi in the   cf. 1 ,5 0 0  for non-vintage schools
             ing timely feedback’ to students   contiguous S urat district. The recti-  including The Doon School, because
             (Teacher-2-Teacher, EW October).   fication has been made — Editor  all vintage schools have been as-
                As a primary school teacher, I                                 sessed on an additional parameter
             have noticed that children always                                 of quality  of alumni — Editor
             show more interest in their work,   Rishi Valley mystery
             become more interactive and are   IN PART II (EW October) issue of
             open to discussion when regular and   the EW India School Rankings 2022-  Corrigendum
             timely feedback is provided.     23, I was surprised to find the Rishi   On page 106 (EW October), the
                I empathise with teachers who   Valley School, Madanapalle (Andhra   previous year's ranks of Vista In-
             have back-to-back classes and are de-  Pradesh) excluded from the co-ed   ternational School Hyderabad have
             puted for non-academic duties with   boarding schools league tables.   been inadvertently published as 36
             little time to give “timely, specific   I recall the school being routinely   (2019)|4 (2020)|4 (2021) instead of
             and actionable” feedback. It is im-  ranked #1 for several years. Any rea-  186|222|124.

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