Page 15 - Education World November 2022
P. 15


                     Evergreenarians Mindfully Breathe

                                       in the Power of Now

                                                                               students share success stories of how
                                                                               the intervention helped them to overcome
                                                                               their limitations, complete rarities, build
                                                                               enriching relationships at the workplace
                                                                               and home, gain stronger coping skills,
                                                                               enhance learning prowess and superior
                                                                               capabilities, the school average also
                                                                               showed exponential growth.
                                                                                 Post-Covid, the school is continuing
                                                                               with the programme with focus on the
                                                                               most emotionally vulnerable group -- the
                                                                               Board students -- even as she gets her
                                                                               school counsellor trained in NLP for a more
                                                                               efficient handling of the mental well-being
                                                                               of students and staff.
                  vergreen Public School, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi believes   Guided by her inner calling and the strong scientific evidence
                  in consistent and systemic evolution of its students and staff   available today, she began her quest on ways to integrate
             Eso that the butterfly effect is felt through its ever-growing   mindfulness into the school curriculum. The school management
             ecosystem across all dimensions.                  is the wind beneath her wings as she busies herself in designing
                The school principal Priyanka Gulati who is currently   a new curriculum for preschool-class VIII students based on Thich
             undergoing training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a   Nhat Hanh’s principle of mindfulness as she strives to empower
             staunch believer in the power of the unconscious mind and on how   little minds on the power that lies in their breath.
             this can be utilised to clearing the cobwebs of limiting beliefs and   Students look forward to each day of enriching life experiences
             negative patterns of thinking and coping, to unleash the genius   as they engage in an immersive learning culture using all their
             lying dormant in every individual.                sensory organs for a wholesome bountiful education. They
                The profound negative impact of social media on young minds,   are learning to identify and differentiate between thoughts and
             the insanely intense stress of the times on the community coupled   emotions, to park aside baggages of bitterness, anger, resentment
             with the high rate of suicide among students due to poor coping   etc. and understand that happiness does not lie in accumulation
             skills, lack of interpersonal communication and a weak emotional   of goods or good outcomes but can be found in simple everyday
             fabric interwoven with threads of fear, phobia, low self-esteem, is   acts of love, caring and sharing.  Her team of committed teachers
             a matter of grave concern and this is what prompted her to seek   is undergoing training on the power of NOW as she co-creates
             NLP experts so she could work on each student appearing for class   with them, a happy community in pursuit of her vision of the new
             X-XII board examinations and their teachers.      tribe of torchbearers who will together ring in a new collaborative,
                The results were for all to see. Not only did the staff and   peace-filled, happy and harmonious world.

                                               EDUCATIONWORLD  NOVEMBER  2022
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