Page 20 - Education World November 2022
P. 20

Education News

             ta c h a ry y a , secretary of the Students’   tary education (classes I-VIII) “shall
             Federation of India.             be held back in any class or expelled
                Aspirant  teachers  are  especially   from school till the completion of el-
             bitter about the recruitment stalemate   ementary education”.
             because after Sixth Pay Commission   Evidently  well-intentioned  liber-
             prescribed salaries became payable in   als who had drafted the progressive
             January 2020, the basic monthly sal-  RTE Act didn’t factor in widespread
             ary of primary teachers in Bengal has   corruption that’s pervasive in Indian
             risen to Rs.28,900. Additionally, they   education.
             are entitled to 12 percent house rent      Baishali Mukherjee (Kolkata)
             and medical allowance. Government
             employees (including teachers) in the    KARNATAKA
             state are also entitled to dearness al-
             lowance of 3 percent. All this adds up   Deep-rooted rot
             to a starting salary of Rs.33,000 per
             month for primary teachers in govern-  NDIA’S MOST WELL-ADMINISTERED state
             ment schools. In West Bengal where   until the historic liberalisation
             youth unemployment (7.6 percent) is  Iand deregulation of the Indian
             pervasive and small and medium scale   economy in 1991 transformed its
             industry salaries are rock-bottom, the   sleepy administrative capital of
             remuneration of government school   Bangalore (renamed Bengaluru in
             teachers is enviable.            2014) into the country’s Silicon Val-
                 ow with the TET scheduled for De-  ley and a bustling commercial metro,   schools, RTE fees reimbursement,
             Ncember challenged in the courts,   Karnataka (pop.68 million) has   and other routine administrative
             the possibility of it being stayed will   experienced accelerated descent into   functions.
             again stall recruitment to fill 80,000   pervasive corruption and misgover-  The latest corruption scandal to
             teachers’ posts in the state’s govern-  nance. Since last November, when   hit media headlines in Karnataka is a
             ment schools. Meanwhile the teacher-  the Karnataka State Road Contrac-  teacher recruitment scam. On Octo-
             pupil ratio in government schools has   tors’ Association (KSRCA) wrote   ber 19, the state’s Criminal Investi-
             risen  to  1:59  cf.  1:35  prescribed  by   directly to prime minister Narendra   gation Department (CID) arrested
             the RTE Act. Inevitably, the biggest   Modi complaining that elected rep-  37 government school teachers
             losers of this prolonged stalemate in   resentatives of the BJP-ruled state   who were illegally appointed eight
             the teacher recruitment process are   government are routinely extort-  years ago, following a police com-
             the state’s 23 million children from   ing commissions of 40 percent for   plaint filed in August this year and
             EWS (economically weaker section)   award of civic maintenance and road   a detailed inquiry report submitted
             households obliged to attend govern-  construction contracts, a spate of   by the education ministry. Earlier in
             ment schools. According to the A n-  corruption scandals have been outed.   September, the CID had arrested 22
             nual S tatus of Education R eport of   In February this year, a major po-  people including top education de-
             the Pratham Education Foundation,   lice personnel recruitment scam was   partment officials — Maade Gowda,
             the percentage of class VII children in   unearthed when it was discovered   managing director of the Karnataka
             state government schools who cannot   that 545 unqualified police sub-in-  Textbook Society, Geetha, director
             read and comprehend class III text-  spectors (PSIs) were appointed after   of Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan, and
             books has risen from 23.7 percent in   having paid bribes of Rs.70-80 lakh   three joint directors of education for
             2014 to 31.7 percent in 2021.    to police top brass and government   involvement in this scandal. These
                With  teacher  appointments  at  a   ministers. Subsequently in August,   “illegal” appointments date back to
             standstill  because  the  judiciary  has   RUPSA (Registered Unaided Private   2014-15 when the Congress govern-
             no option but to stay the recruitment   Schools Association), which has   ment was in power.
             and induction of teachers with suspect   13,000 member schools, again wrote   With government school teachers
             credentials, the number of students in   a letter directly to the prime minister   accorded pay parity with government
             upper primaries who can’t read and/  alleging that the BJP government   employees who are awarded massive
             or comprehend primary texts and nu-  and education minister B.C. Nagesh   salary rises by Central government
             meracy is certain to increase. Under   in particular, are extorting massive   Pay Commissions, remuneration
             s.16 of the ‘progressive’ Right of Chil-  bribes for renewal of school recogni-  packages of government school
             dren to Free & Compulsory Education   tion licences, issuing no-objection   teachers are 8-10x of private school
             (RTE) Act, 2009, no child in elemen-  certificates to new CBSE and CISCE   teachers. Consequently, millions of

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