Page 24 - Education World November 2022
P. 24
Education Notes
MADHYA PRADESH minister Ranoj Pegu after and Katihar districts of the school principal, demand-
Hindi MBBS textbooks a meeting chaired by chief state, described Kashmir ing investigation and
minister Himanta Biswa as an independent coun- action.
BHOPAL, OCTOBER 17. Union Sarma. try. The question paper “This is a very serious
home minister Amit Shah “A total number of was approved by the Bihar case of gang-rape of an
launched three Hindi lan- 35,800 students — 29,748 Education Project Council. 11-year-old student inside
guage education textbooks girls who passed with “We have ordered an a school. The girl has al-
for first year students at distinction and 6,052 investigation into the mat- leged that her class teacher
a function to mark the boys who averaged above ter and strict action will be tried to hush up the mat-
Madhya Pradesh state 75 percent — will receive taken against those found ter. It is very unfortunate
government’s ambitious motor scooters. The state’s guilty,” said Dipak Kumar that schools have become
project to provide the department of higher Singh, additional chief sec- so unsafe for children in
MBBS degree programme education will also provide retary of the state’s educa- the national capital,” says
in Hindi. these students financial tion ministry, addressing a Swati Maliwal, chairper-
“This day will be writ- assistance for registra- press conference in Patna. son, DCW.
ten in history in golden let- tion and insurance of the Meanwhile in a Face-
ters. Studying in one’s own vehicles,” added Pegu. book post in Hindi, the UTTAR PRADESH
language will enhance the opposition BJP’s state Fees hike protest
abilities of students and JHARKHAND president Sanjay Jaiswal
allow them to overcome Exam invigilator said: “This question paper PRAYAGRAJ, OCTOBER 5.
their linguistic inferiority proves that officials of the Undergrad and postgrad
complex,” said Shah, who arrested Bihar government believe students of Allahabad
added that work has begun JAMSHEDPUR, OCTOBER 15. the Union territory of University have contin-
to provide technical and A woman exams invigila- Kashmir is an independent ued a protest demon-
medical education in eight tor was arrested after a country.” stration which began in
other languages of the class IX girl student from early September, against
country. the Dalit community was DELHI a 300 percent increase in
Added Viswas Sarang, reportedly forced to un- Sexual assault in KV tuition fees. On Dusshera
MP’s medical education dress to check whether she (October 5), they burnt
minister: “The pilot proj- had hidden prepared notes NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 6. An effigies of prime minister
ect will begin at Gandhi in her uniform. Unable to 11-year-old girl was report- Narendra Modi and Union
Medical College, Bhopal, bear the humiliation, the edly sexually assaulted by education minister Dhar-
where medical education student set herself ablaze two male senior students mendra Pradhan, whom
in anatomy, bio-chemistry shortly after returning in the washroom of a Cen- they hold responsible.
and physiology will be home from school. The girl tral government-funded The executive council
taught in Hindi and gradu- was rushed to the hospital Kendriya Vidyalaya school of the university approved
ally extended to 13 govern- in a serious condition, K. in the national capital. A the fee hike proposal on
ment medical colleges Vijay Shankar, superin- case has been registered, August 31. The tuition fee
statewide.” tendent of police (city), says a police spokesper- for undergraduate study
informed the media. son. The Kendriya Vidya- programmes was raised
ASSAM The invigilator was laya Sangathan’s regional to Rs.4,151 from Rs.975
Motor scooter awards arrested after a case was office has also ordered per year after a hiatus of
several decades.
an investigation into the
registered against her un-
GUWAHATI, OCTOBER 19. der sections of the Indian incident. Addressing a press
The state government Penal Code 1860, and Although the alleged conference in Prayagraj,
will distribute automotive POCSO Act 2012. assault was perpetrated in Students’ Union vice
two-wheelers to 35,800 July, the victim reported president Akhilesh Yadav
students who topped this BIHAR the crime to the police said: “The management
year's class XII school- Exam paper bloomer recently after the assault is unmoved by protesting
leaving board examina- was exposed by the Delhi students who have been on
tions. This awards initia- PATNA, OCTOBER 19. A class Commission for Women a hunger strike for the past
tive which will cost the VII English mid-term (DCW). Describing the 30 days.”
exchequer Rs.258.9 crore, question paper distributed incident as a “serious mat-
was approved by the state in government schools ter”, DCW issued notices Paromita Sengupta with bureau
cabinet, said education in the Araria, Kishanganj to Delhi Police and the inputs