Page 28 - Education World November 2022
P. 28
Institution Profile
SVKM's Mukesh R. Patel School, Shirpur
Within a decade since it was promoted, MRPS has acquired an enviable reputation for providing
excellent academics, co-curricular and sports education
dia’s most industrialised state
(pop.123 million) — the Mukesh
IR. Patel School (Residential),
Shirpur (MRPS, estb.2013) has
quickly acquired an excellent reputa-
tion for providing its 322 students,
including 234 boarders, excellent
academic, co-curricular and sports
education. In the EducationWorld
India School Rankings 2022-23,
this relatively new CBSE (Delhi)-
affiliated class I-XII school is ranked
among the Top 5 co-ed day-cum-
boarding schools statewide.
MRPS was promoted a decade ago
by the Mumbai-based Shri Vile Parle
Kelavani Mandal (SVKM) — a public
charitable trust — driven by eminent
educationist and incumbent legisla-
tive council member m ris h b h a i MRPS principal P. Subhash with students: holistic education focus
P a te l , president and trustee. SVKM
(regstd.1934) has promoted and/or academics through 2021, of the 53 students
manages seven schools, 14 colleges usage of contemporary who wrote the class X
including the top-ranked NMIMS pedagogies delivered by boards, 16 passed with
Deemed University with an aggre- well-trained teachers distinction. “In 2020,
gate enrolment of 39,000 students. complemented with a the Dhule district CBSE
Patel is also founder of the Shir- wide range of sports, topper was our student.
pur Education Society (estb.1986) co-curricular and extra- We are also expecting
which has promoted over 70 educa- curricular activities,” excellent results from
tion institutions in the vicinity of says . S u b h a s h , an our inaugural class XII
Shirpur. A former Maharashtra economics and English Amrishbhai Patel batch next year,” says
education minister, Patel is widely postgraduate of Mahatma Subhash.
credited with transforming Shirpur Gandhi University, Kottayam, Sited on a sylvan 40-acre cam-
(pop.428,088) — once an arid and awarded a doctorate in economics by pus off the Shirpur-Chopda state
educationally backward rural village BAMU University, Aurangabad, and highway, MRPS offers state-of-
in north Maharashtra — into a green, principal of MRPS since 2019. the-art enabling infrastructure to
water-sufficient, well-developed According to Subhash, the its 322 students mentored by 35
town. school’s focus on holistic education well-qualified faculty. The school’s
“The objective of our promoter- and teacher training and develop- main academic block comprises 20
trustee Amrishbhai Patel is to ment has paid off in a big way. MRPS fully-wired Smart classrooms, nine
provide children in Shirpur and has recorded excellent results in wi-fi enabled laboratories (science,
beyond access to high-quality the CBSE class X school-leaving art, social science, language, com-
day-cum-boarding education to board exam. Of the 58 students who puter etc) and separate libraries for
develop their holistic personalities. wrote the class X exam in 2022, four primary-secondary and higher sec-
Therefore, a defining characteristic averaged over 90 percent and 17 ondary students with an aggregate
of MRPS is that we offer excellent passed with distinction. Likewise, in 4,000 print volumes, 14 journal sub-