Page 32 - Education World November 2022
P. 32

Institution Profile

             to award Ph D qualifications. During World War II (1939-    SCHOLASTIC OPTIONS AT TUM
             1945), 80 percent of the university’s Munich campus was
             destroyed and teaching-learning suspended. In 1946, the   TUM offers 76 degree programmes in the English medium.
             university reopened and gradually rebuilt its impressive   Among them:
             infrastructure and facilities.                     Undergrad programmes. Aerospace engineering, electronics
                Currently,  TUM’s  eight  schools  (computation,  infor-  and data engineering, management and technology, infor-
             mation and technology; engineering and design; natural   mation engineering, sustainable management and tech-
             sciences; life sciences; management; social sciences and   nology, technology and management-oriented business
             technology) offer undergrad, postgrad and doctoral pro-  administration
             grammes to over 50,000 students mentored by 7,000 fac-  Postgraduate. Aerospace engineering, agricultural biosci-
             ulty. With 40 percent of its students from abroad, TUM of-  ences, agricultural sciences and horticultural sciences, au-
             fers 76 degree programmes in the English medium. Alumni   tomotive engineering, architecture, civil engineering, bioin-
             include 18 Nobel Prize winners. Among them: Hans Fischer   formatics, mathematics in operations research, landscape
             (1930 for chemistry), Joachim Frank (2017, chemistry) and   architecture, mathematical finance and actuarial science,
             Anton Zeilinger (2022, physics).                   land management and geospatial science, robotics, cogni-
             Munich. The capital of the state of Bavaria, Munich (pop.   tion and intelligence
             6 million) is Germany’s third largest city after Berlin and   Tuition fees. A fully publicly-funded university, TUM doesn’t
             Hamburg. Straddling the River Isar (a tributary of the Dan-  charge tuition fees to domestic and international students.
             ube) north of the Bavarian Alps, the city is a global hub   However, semester fees ranging from €92-138 are payable.
             of engineering, technology, automobile, and creative in-  Living expenses. €800-1,400 per month
             dustries. It hosts the head offices of several multinational   NB €=Rs.81.62
             corporations including BMW, Siemens, MAN, Allianz and
             Munich RE. In the latest QS Best Student Cities Rankings
             2022, it is ranked #2 worldwide.                  completion of class XII and proof of proficiency in English
                The city is also a hub of arts, music and culture and hosts   language (IELTS score of 6.5-plus or TOEFL score of over
             several international festivals through the year. Moreover it   88). Admission into TUM is highly competitive with the
             hosts some of the region’s largest breweries, and is known   acceptance rate around 8 percent.
             worldover for its annual Octoberfest.               Indian students except those who have passed the class
                The city has a continental climate with warm summers   XII school-leaving International Baccalaureate Diploma
             (24 -35  C) and freezing winters with the mercury dipping   Programme (IBDP), are required to undergo a preliminary
             to -4  C year end.                                review documentation (VPD) evaluation by Uni-assist be-
             Campus facilities. TUM’s main campus in Munich is supple-  fore applying to TUM. Uni-assist processes international
             mented by regional campuses in Garching, Weihenstephan,   student applications as an external partner for TUM. Subse-
             Straubing, and Heilbronn, and an international campus in   quently, the final VPD has to be uploaded in the application
             Singapore. The historic Munich campus is sited in the heart   form on TUMonline. The application deadline is July 15 for
             of the city between the Konigsplatz and Pinakotheken art   semesters beginning October.
             museums and hosts the university’s schools of engineering   For admission into postgraduate programmes offered
             and design, management, social sciences and technology   in English, the eligibility requirements include a bachelor’s
             and the department of electrical and computer engineering.   degree and proof of proficiency in English. The admission
             State-of-the-art classroom and lab facilities and a three-  process also involves aptitude assessment and interview.
             floor library apart, students have access to students’ union   Though proficiency in the German language is not manda-
             cafes and numerous restaurants sited in Munich’s univer-  tory for admission into English-taught degree programmes,
             sity district.                                    students are advised to learn basic German for ease of living
                Garching,  the  largest  and  most  modern  TUM  cam-  in the city.
             pus, hosts the varsity’s natural sciences and engineering   For further information, call +49 89 289 22245; email:
             faculties; Weihenstephan, the life sciences campus in the or visit
             1,200-year-old cathedral town of Freising and Straubing   Accommodation. TUM doesn’t offer on-campus accommoda-
             the  Integrative  Research  Centre.  Inaugurated  in  2018,   tion. However, university staff support students to find ac-
             when the university was celebrating its 150th anniversary,   commodation by providing personal advice, in-house list-
             the newest Heilbronn campus was primarily funded by a   ings and other useful information. Housing options include
             donation of over €100 million (Rs.800 crore) from German   halls of residence run by the Munich Students’ Union and
             supermarket tycoon Dieter Schwarz. All campuses offer ex-  social and private organisations, and private flats.
             cellent sports, health and fitness facilities.    Degree programmes. TUM’s eight academic schools offer 182
             Admission. The minimum eligibility criteria for admission   degree programmes including 76 in English (see box).
             into TUM’s undergrad programmes taught in English are                           RESHMA RAVISHANKER

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