Page 30 - Education World November 2022
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Institution Profile

             scriptions and 15,000 digital books.   ADMISSION & FEES           turf cricket field. Twelve professional
             The well-furbished residential block                              sports coaches including former
             hosts separate hostels for boys and   SVKM’s Mukesh R. Patel School   Olympian pugilist Manoj Pingle train
             girls, a 420-seat dining hall, kitchen,   (Residential), Shirpur is a CBSE-  and mentor students.
             infirmary, salon, indoor sports and   affiliated class I-XII co-ed day-cum-  With the nine-year-old school
             television room.                  boarding school. Admission into   having got off to a good start, the
                In conformity with the school’s   classes I-VIII is open through the   top management has drawn up a
             mission to provide balanced holistic   year subject to seats availability.   master plan to continuously upgrade
             education, co-curricular and sports   The school admits boarders from   infrastructure and administrative
             education are also accorded high   class I onwards.               systems and processes. “This year,
             importance. MRPS has signed up    Tuition fee (annual): Rs.1-1.25 lakh   we plan to introduce student and
             with the Mumbai-based Furtados    (day scholars); Rs.2-2.30 lakh   teacher exchange programmes with
             School of Music to provide vocal   (boarders)                     institutions in India and abroad.
             and instrumental music training in   For further information, contact +91   We are also building a world-class
             four sound-proof practice rooms.   90675 95936, +91 95521 93001   indoor stadium and recording studio.
             Other co-curricular activities include   Email:   An application for NABET (National
             drama, art, Indian and Western    Website: www.mrpschoolshirpur.  Accreditation Board for Education
             dance, etc.                       com                             & Training) accreditation has also
                Given that 234 of its 322 students                             been submitted. In short, we are fully
             are boarders, sports infrastructure                               committed to continuously improve
             is on a par with the country’s best   skating, wrestling, kudo, kabaddi,   on all fronts — academics, infra-
             boarding schools. They include facili-  handball, table tennis, chess and car-  structure, and teacher training — to
             ties for horse riding, boxing. swim-  rom. Moreover, the MRPS campus   prepare our students for success in
             ming, tennis, badminton, athletics,   hosts an olympic size boxing ring,   higher education and workplaces of
             cricket, football, volleyball, roller   an 18-horses stable, and a natural   the future,” says Subhash.

             Technical University of Munich

             A public research varsity which doesn't charge
             tuition fees for domestic and international
             students, TUM is ranked among the Top 50
             universities worldwide by THE and QS

                      NE OF THE OLDEST UNIVERSITIES OF Ger-
                      many, the Technical University of Munich (TUM,
                      estb.1868) is internationally reputed for its high-
             Oquality academic and research programmes in
             engineering, life and natural sciences. A public research
             varsity,  which  doesn’t  charge  tuition  fees  for  domestic
             and international students, TUM is ranked #30 in the lat-
             est Times Higher Education World University Rankings
             (WUR) 2022-23 and #49 in the QS WUR 2022-23. TUM   TUM Munich campus: 76 English language programmes
             which boasts the tagline — ‘the entrepreneurial university’
             — is also a hub of business start-ups with 74 enterprises   are featured as “future unicorns” in Europe’s Top Unicorn
             incubated last year. Unsurprisingly, Sifted — a web portal   Universities list.
             of the London-based F inancial Times  — ranks TUM #6    Founded in 1868 by King Ludwig II of Bavaria, TUM
             in Europe for graduating the most unicorn promoters in   admitted its first batch of 350 students and 24 professors
             the continent. Nine companies founded by TUM alumni   in its inaugural year. In 1901, it was conferred the right

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