Page 34 - Education World November 2022
P. 34

Young Achievers

                                                      tive Nizamabad district,   — comprising engineering under-
                                                      Nikhat took to this pugilis-  grads Mohan, Anjana Prasad, Manav
                                                      tic sport like a duck to wa-  R. Samant, Kishore K, Swamina-
                                                      ter. Within six months, she   than C, Pratigya S, Shakthieswaran
                                                      won her first gold medal at   M, Anandh B, Vikash S, Naveen V,
                                                      the National Rural Games   Gerontius Leo L, Vekash S, Barathraj
                                                      in Karimnagar, Telangana.   M and Sanaa Mohammad — was
                                                      Shortly thereafter, she   mentored by KCT Garage, a stu-
                                                      was selected by the Sports   dent research and innovation hub
                                                      Authority of India for   established to prepare teams for
                                                      training under I.V. Rao, a   national and international-level
                                                      Dronacharya awardee, at   sports competitions. Technically and
                                                      its facility in Visakhapat-  financially supported by the Pune-
                                                      nam. In 2010, she won a   based Legrand India Pvt. Ltd, a com-
                                                      gold medal at the Erode   pany that manufactures electrical
                                                      National Games and a     and digital building infrastructure,
                                                      year later, won the World   and Quench Chargers (Ador Diga-
                  NIKHAT ZAREEN               Junior and Youth Championship in   tron Pvt. Ltd), an electric charging
                                              Antalya, Turkey.
                                                                               solutions company and several other
                                                 “Women in boxing is a new     firms, the team submitted its pro-
                ndia’s women’s boxing star    phenomenon globally, but it is   totype to MEBC in December 2021,
                Nikhat Zareen (26) who won a   becoming increasingly popular as   and after it was approved, designed
             Igold medal in the lightweight cat-  women are asserting their equality   and fabricated their speed boat using
             egory at the Commonwealth Games   with men worldover. Sania Mirza,   a zero-emission energy propulsion
             which concluded in Birmingham on   India’s women tennis star, who has   engine.
             August 8, and was crowned world   won several Grand Slam doubles and   “We decided to use aluminium
             champ at the International Box-  mixed doubles championships is also   to build the cockpit of our boat
             ing Association (IBA) Women’s    from Hyderabad. I hope our example   christened  ali. The boat is pro-
             World Boxing Championships held   will encourage Muslim girls in India   pelled by a Torqeedo electric motor
             in Istanbul three months earlier,   to participate and shine in sports and   of the Netherlands-based Rim Drive
             is not resting on her laurels. She is   games,” says Nikhat.      Technology powered by a 200AH
             training six hours daily in national    Somasekar Mulugu (Hyderabad)  lithium iron phosphate battery and
             boxing camps in Delhi, and at the                                 flexible solar panels as a secondary
             world-class Suchitra Academy, Hy-                                 source.  ali was successfully tested
             derabad to retain her world cham-                                 in Chennai port prior to the competi-
             pion title at the IBA Championship    SPEEDBOAT DESIGN TEAM       tion,” says Sanaa, spokesperson of
             scheduled to be held next March.                                  Team Sea Shakti.
             junior national footballer and state- A                           Team Sea Sakthi are enriched by the
                Born into a sports loving fam-
                                                    14-member team of Kumara-
                                                                                 Now back in KCT, members of
             ily — father Jameel Ahmed was a
                                                    guru College of Technology,
                                                    Coimbatore (KCT, estb.1984)
             level athlete, and younger sister   bagged the communication prize   experience. “Designing, fabricating
                                                                               and racing our boat against college
             Afran (17) is a promising badmin-  (€2,000) in the Monaco Energy Boat   teams from 21 countries was an in-
             ton player — Nikhat, a humanities   Challenge (MEBC) international   valuable learning and benchmarking
             graduate of AV College, Hyderabad,   competition, in which technical uni-  experience. It provided validation
             attributes her success entirely to   versities from 21 countries partici-  that our engineering programmes
             extraordinary family support. “I   pated. This year’s MEBC version 9.0   are as good as any in the world,” says
             owe a lot to my father who inducted   held in Monaco on July 6-9 required   Sanaa.
             me into athletics and fitness train-  participating teams to build sustain-
             ing. Moreover, my coaches — Mohd.   able boats within                Runa Mukherjee Parikh (Ahmedabad)
             Shamshamuddin, I.V. Rao and      specific design
             Emani Chiranjeevi — motivated me   parameters and
             at various stages of my career,” she   race them against
             recalls.                         each other. Among
                “I am determined to retain my   16 teams in the en-
             IBA title early next year. That will   ergy class category,
             be the first step towards winning   KCT’s Team Sea
             the gold at the 2024 Paris Olym-  Sakthi was ranked
             pics,” adds Nikhat with steely   #6 based on their
             determination.                   performance in the
                Introduced to the sport at age 13   qualifiers, endur-
             (2009) at a beginners’ camp on the   ance and slalom
             invitation of veteran boxing coach   races.
             Mohd. Shamshamuddin in her na-      Team Sea Sakthi

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