Page 26 - Education World November 2022
P. 26

Education Briefs

             IITMIC-SSN iFound                to have him as chair of our Academic   Murthi. After my grandfather passed
             agreement                        Advisory Board for the past five years.   away, the magnanimity and support
                                              Now we are delighted to have him join
                                                                               of Dr. Rao gave me a lot of strength.
             CHENNAI, NOVEMBER 1. The Indian In-  as chancellor. He epitomizes the idea   Since my grandfather founded GITAM
             stitute of Technology-Madras Incuba-  of reimagining higher education and   University in 1980, this is the largest
             tion Cell (IITMIC) signed a partner-  building a vibrant higher education   donation  made  by  a  non-family  in-
             ship agreement with SSN Incubation   ecosystem that supports high-impact   dividual  to  GITAM  University.  It  is
             Foundation (SSN iFound), Chennai,   research. I am confident his in-depth   a significant and valuable donation,”

             the incubation and innovation wing   professional experience, knowledge,   says  M  a th u k u m  i l i S ri B h a ra t,
             of the city-based SSN College of En-  and leadership will guide Plaksha Uni-  president of GITAM University.
             gineering.  Under  the  agreement,   versity to craft a unique learning expe-
             IITMIC will support SSN iFound to   rience for our students,” says  e e ra j    NMIMS-SBM in FT  Top 100
             develop an ecosystem “that nurtures   A g g a rw a l ,  chairman  (Asia  Pacific)
             a culture of building things and pro-  of the Boston Consulting Group and   MUMBAI,  OCTOBER  3.  The  NMIMS
             vides incubation support to promising   founder-chairperson of the Board of   School  of  Business  Management
             entrepreneurial ventures”.       Trustees.                        (NMIMS-SBM),  Mumbai  is  ranked
                As a first step, IITMIC will support   “The opportunity to head Plaksha   among the Top 100 B-schools world-
             SSN  iFound  to  establish  a  students   University that has a unique model of   wide  in  the  latest  F inancial Times
             managed Build Club to create a prod-  being  a  modern  research  university   Masters  in  Management  Ranking
             ucts building culture among students.   with new pedagogies and outlook, is   2022 (FTMiM).
             Moreover, IITMIC and SSN iFound   a privilege and exciting challenge for   According to NMIMS spokesper-
             will select startups with potential for   me. I look forward to working with   sons, the FTMiM ranking process pre-
             co-incubation.                   the team at Plaksha and steering this   scribes a stringent selection protocol.
                “India needs young entrepreneurs   new 21st century university to greater   Firstly, an AACSB or Equis accredita-
             more than ever, to actively contrib-  heights,”  said  Dr.  Shankar  Sastry,   tion of participant schools is manda-
             ute  to  economic  development.  We   speaking on the occasion.    tory.  Other  assessment  parameters
             want to nurture their entrepreneurial                             are current average salary of alumni,
             spirit from early stage through Build   Koneru Rama Krishna Rao   professional and salary progression,
             Clubs, which will encourage them to                               international mobility, number of fe-
             build products on their own. Through   Building                   male faculty and students, the quality
             partnering with SSN iFound, we be-                                of faculty etc.
             lieve we can achieve this,” said P rof .    VISAKHAPATNAM,  OCTOBER  31.  Former   “It  is  a  matter  of  great  pride  for
             A s h ok   J h u n j h u n w a l a ,  president   vice president of India M. Venkaiah   NMIMS-SBM, Mumbai, to be ranked
             of the IIT-Madras Research Park and   Naidu,  formally  renamed  the  main   in the FT Top 100 B-schools league
             IITMIC, speaking on the occasion.    block of the GITAM School of Human-  table. With employability of our stu-
                                              ities and Social Sciences (GSHSS) of   dents  as  core  philosophy,  NMIMS-
             Plaksha U founding               GITAM University, Vizag as the Kon-  SBM has remained focused on equip-
                                                                               ping  students  with  competitive,
                                              eru Rama Krishna Rao Building after
             chancellor                       the former chancellor of the univer-  challenging and cutting-edge profes-
                                              sity. An iconic Gandhian scholar, re-  sional  skills  to  make  a  mark  in  the
             NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 3. Plaksha Uni-  nowned philosopher, psychologist and   corporate world or as entrepreneurs.
             versity,  Mohali  (estb.2021),  a  new   educationist, Dr. Rao has endowed an   It is also a matter of pride that seven
             genre  collective  philanthropy  tech-  unsolicited donation of Rs.4.5 crore to   Indian B-schools have made it to the
             nology and research varsity, has ap-  GSHSS.                      prestigious FT Top 100 global list —

             pointed D r.   S .   S h a n k a r  S a s try    The committed amount will be used   the highest in the Asia Pacific region,”
             founding chancellor of the institution.   to  conduct  training  programmes/  says  r.   P ra s h a n t  M  is h ra , Dean of
             Dr. Sastry is currently Thomas Siebel   workshops for students and teachers;   NMIMS-SBM.
             distinguished professor of computer   support research projects that benefit   Adds  D r.   R a m  e s h   B h a t,  vice
             science at the University of California,   society,  promote  rural  literacy,  and   chancellor,  NMIMS:  “This  ranking
             Berkeley (UC) and previously served   provide scholarships to needy meri-  has added further impetus to the Vi-
             for over a decade (2007-18) as dean   torious students.           sion 2030 blueprint formulated by the
             of engineering at UC.              “Koneru Rama Krishna Rao’s com-  NMIMS leadership. We are also proud
                “Dr.  Sastry  is  a  globally  respect-  mitment to Gandhian values was one   to have the highest number of women
             ed  academic  leader  and  institution   of the strong bonding factors between   faculty across B-schools in the FTMiM
             builder. We have been very fortunate   him and my grandfather Dr. M.V.V.S.   Top 100.”

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