Page 14 - Hari Mohan Gupta
P. 14
What was the inspiration behind the promotion of the Jagran Social Welfare Society 22 years ago?
I was inspired by my father the Late Shri Gurudev Gupta who strongly believed that literacy is the basic
right of every Indian and “to make quality education accessible to each citizen is the moral duty of ev-
ery Indian”. More specifically, the mission of JSW Society is to make high-quality primary to university
education accessible and affordable for children and youth countrywide.
After a decade in K-12 education, in 2013 you promoted the Jagran Lakecity University. What fac-
tors prompted this entry into higher education?
Until recently there was an alarming shortage of high-quality higher education study options in the
state of Madhya Pradesh. This prompted me to promote JLU for school-leavers.
What would you say are the distinguishing features of Jagran institutions?
Nurturing students with thirst for knowledge, respect for human values and equipping youth with the
basic skills to excel in any and all professions.
Thinker/philosopher you admire the most.
Chinese entrepreneur Jack Ma and Greek philosopher Aristotle.
Your favourite book on education.
I believe life provides the best education — better than any book.
Pessimistic or optimistic about the future of education in India?
Because of the entry of private educationists and education providers, India’s education system is ex-
periencing a positive transformation, even though belatedly. But unfortunately corresponding com-
mitment is lacking in the Central and especially state governments. If government cannot accord the
highest priority to education in a country which hosts the world’s largest child and youth population,
the least it can do is to desist from stifling private initiatives in education.
How satisfied are you with the progress of JSW Society institutions?
Fairly satisfied. Over the past two decades, JSW Society promoted institutions have transformed the
lives of thousands of children and youth in Madhya Pradesh for the better. But the population of this
state is 75 million. Therefore, we have many miles to go.
What are your future growth and development plans for JSW Society institutions?
We are drawing up plans to establish a world-class university in Indore. In K-12 education we want to
consolidate and upgrade our existing institutions to make them globally comparable. Options to set
up offshore campuses are also being explored.
138 | 21 Leaders Transforming Indian Education