Page 12 - Hari Mohan Gupta
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Jagran Lakecity University
pread over 240 green acres on the outskirts of Bhopal,
S Jagran Lakecity University (JLU, estb.2013) is widely
acknowledged as Central India’s top-ranked private uni-
versity. Established under the UGC Act No. 2f of 2013, the
multi-disciplinary JLU is ranked Madhya Pradesh’s #1 pri-
vate university in the EducationWorld India Private Uni-
versity Rankings 2019-20.
ABOVE & LEFT JLU’s carefully landscaped 240-acre campus
provides excellent globally benchmarked academic, residen-
tial and sports facilities to develop the holistic personality of
students. Academic infrastructure includes 290 ICT enabled
classrooms, a Media Incubation Centre, nine hi-tech computer
labs with 500 terminals, a library housing 35,000 print volumes,
a moot court, simulated stock trading lab, three food produc-
tion labs and a full-fledged bakery.
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