Page 13 - Jairaj Thacker & Sujay Jairaj
P. 13

CNS Leader

                                                                                      Minal Thacker, Trustee

              ABOVE LEFT  The school’s campus overlooking the green cover Sanjay Gandhi National Park   member of the board of trustees of Chatrabhuj Narsee School and the M.D. Gunde-
              in suburban Mumbai, features an aesthetically designed academic block equipped with 90   A  cha Foundation, Thacker is the driving force behind the fast-track development of
              Smart classrooms, well-furbished science, robotics and computer labs, an academic guidance   CNS into one of Mumbai’s most promising international schools. An alumna of the La
              centre and library housing 7,700 print volumes.
                                                                                      Roche International School of Hotel Management, Switzerland with postgraduate qual-
              LEFT  Professionally designed studios for dance, drama, Indian and western vocal music, and    ifications from the S.P. Jain Institute of Business Management, Mumbai, and director of
              fine arts nurture the musical/rhythmic and bodily-kinesthetic intelligences of students.   Sea Princess Realty, a well-known property development company, Thacker has played

              CENTRE  Uniquely for a newly promoted day school in Mumbai, CNS provides sports   a major role in shaping CNS into “a progressive 21st century school that shapes confi-
              education facilities on a par with the country’s premier day-cum-boarding schools — a   dent and self-reliant learners ready to negotiate challenges and create new pathways
              one acre multi-sport turf playground, swimming pool, basketball, badminton courts, rock   with determination and skill”.
              climbing faces, a pistol shooting range and several indoor games facilities. Moreover, CNS
              students have the option of signing up for professional training in several sports, performing
              arts and creative classes provided by the Mumbai-based LEAD Academy.

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