Page 15 - Jairaj Thacker & Sujay Jairaj
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What was the objective behind promotion of Chatrabhuj Narsee School (CNS) in How satisfied are you with the progress and development of CNS?
2016? This is our dream project which has been rolled out according to plan with a committed
After over four decades of providing high-quality K-12 education in our flagship JNS, team that has raised the institution to great heights in short time.
we felt we were prepared to provide globally benchmarked curriculums and state-of-
the-art facilities to develop Mumbai’s 21st century youth into drivers of national devel- Future growth and development plans for NMET?
opment. We believe in quality over quantity. Therefore, our future plans are centred on contin-
uously improving holistic education in our existing institutions. In the near term our
What are the outstanding features of CNS education? focus will be on upgrading infrastructure, technology, introducing artificial intelligence
The school is built on a 3-acre campus overlooking the green cover Sanjay Gandhi Na- and contemporary pedagogies in our schools, and higher education institutions in
tional Park, a major lung of Mumbai. CNS is the largest single shift international school which we have influence.
in the country and our infrastructure and facilities have been carefully designed to pro-
vide students a truly 21st century learning experience.
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