Page 16 - EducationWorld Oct. 2022
P. 16
Mapping error ally and provide her the support she
A REGULAR reader of EW , I would needs whatever her caste or religion?
like to point out an error in the latest In this respect we are failing the
edition of your September EWISR women of this country time and
survey issue. On page 41, the survey again.
has included schools from the Anda- Wake up India!
man and Nicobar Islands. However, Daisy Pinto on email
in accompanying maps the islands
have not been represented.
In the interest of your educated Vague innovation
readers, care must be taken to draw WHILE FLIPPING through the vo-
an accurate map of India to include luminous EW India School Rankings
all islands including Lakshadweep, 2022-23 issue, I noticed an exclusive
regardless of whether schools from 1+ rank awarded to schools in the
that region are ranked or not. national and state rankings tables.
F ahad M Curious to learn more, I read your
SEPTEMBER, 2022 MUMBAI cover story but was disappointed
to find a rather vague explanation
which fails to define the specific ar-
Shocking corruption eas in which the school has excelled.
Commendable evolution
YOUR EDUCATION news report S ushma Bagc hi
CONGRATULATIONS FOR bringing from Maharashtra ‘Suffer little HOWRAH
out the mammoth 344-page Educa- children’ (EW September) has left
tionWorld India School Rankings me in utter shock and disbelief. I
issue (EW September). It’s undisput- have always venerated teachers for Advice solicitation
edly the most comprehensive schools doing under-paid work. Therefore RE THE EducationWorld India
rankings survey in the country, and it’s shameful that aspiring primary School Rankings 2022-23, we are
perhaps worldwide. In particular, school teachers are involved in ugly pleased to learn that we are ranked
special thanks for bringing back the exam malpractices. #2 in Dehradun and Uttarakhand,
sports education parameter and con- The state’s unscrupulous agricul- but a little disappointed that we
tinuing with the critical parameter ture minister has exposed himself couldn’t retain our first rank of 2021-
of mental and emotional well-being by turning a blind eye to his own 22.
services to assess schools in seem- children indulging in malpractices, Please advise why we are not
ingly normal times. as also chief minister Eknath Shinde ranked #1 in Uttarakhand this year.
This year’s inclusion of vintage for failing to take timely action. We look forward to your advice so
legacy schools — 90 years and I agree with the author when she that we can work on our deficiencies
above — in eight sub-categories says that ultimately the price of cor- and regain our #1 ranking in the next
is also a welcome innovation — a ruption is being paid by our children. academic year.
well-thought and much-needed clas- Time for some serious introspec- Bro J ey aseelan
sification. Not only does it set these tion. Principal, St. Joseph’s Academy
schools apart from the rest but also R aghunandan Chetty DEHRADUN
levels the competitive playing field. HYDERABAD
Another positive development is the S inc e EW I S R samp le resp ondents
rising number of school teachers are not the same every y ear, their
taking the 30-minutes CENTA online Unwarranted focus perceptions often differ — Editor
test to improve teacher competency I READ Sudheendra Kulkarni’s ‘Out-
scores. rageous perversion of justice’ essay
The annual EWISR — the world’s (EW September) with interest. But I Corrigendum
most comprehensive and detailed fail to understand why the religion of IN THE EWISR 2022-23, Shishuvan
schools rating and ranking survey innocents like Bilkis Bano is over- School, Matunga has been inadver-
— is continuously evolving for the played while the severity of the crime tently classified in the vintage co-ed
better. Congratulations and keep up itself is downplayed. day category. Please note it is in
your good work! Can we not put our petty ideologi- general co-ed day category.
Dharmendra S ingh cal mindsets aside and stand with
CHANDIGARH Bilkis and her family uncondition- The error is regretted – Editor